The research aims to develop tools and methods to design energy plans and energy reduction strategies. The evaluation is done on a multi-criteria basis, including air pollution indicators. It also relies on surveys to measure citizens' representation of energy and environmental issues, and their participation to the energy transition.
Research Objectives
Describe and simulate energy systems
Develop decision support tools
Study the representation of energy and environmental issues by citizens and their participation.
- Seed-Money (EUCOR) « Interdisciplinary student research lab in the Upper Rhine Region : Can communities foster participation in V2G? A comparison of different community forms and across countries ? » - 2023. Coordinator : KIT-IIP (Allemagne). Participants : Université de Strasbourg, CNRS.
- COMET-PLANET (Cellule Energie CNRS) « COmparaison des MEthodologies de PLANification EnergéTique » - 2023. Coordinator : LIVE CNRS (N. Blond) & FEMTO-ST (CNRS/Université de Franche-Comté, T. de Larochelambert).
- ESTEES (OHM Fessenheim) « Evaluation of scenarios for an energy, economic and social transition in the Fessenheim region » - 2021-2022. Coordinator : LIVE CNRS (N. Blond) & FEMTO-ST (CNRS/Université de Franche-Comté, T. de Larochelambert).
- TECA (Fonds de dotation Air) « Development of a decision support tool for the definition of energy, climate and air quality strategies » 2020-2023. Contrat : M. Guevara-Luna
- SMI (Interreg) « Inclusive Smart Meter: Artificial intelligence to support proactive management of energy consumptions by end consumers » - 2019-2022. Participants : UHA, CNRS, UNISTRA, Université de Freiburg (ZEE), Hocheschule Offenburg, Hocheschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl, Universitât Koblenz-Landau, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Hochschule Furtwangen. Contract : Dr. Lorris Tabonne.
- RES-TMO (Interreg) « Regional concepts for integrated, efficient and sustainable energy supply and storage in the Trinational Upper Rhine Region (URR) » 2019-2022. Participants : Universität Freiburg, KIT-DFIU, UHA, UNISTRA, CNRS, Université de Basel (ZRWP). Contract : M. Guevara-Luna, Dr. A. Barth.
- OUI-BIOMASSE (Interreg, Offensive science) « Innovations for a sustainable use of biomass for bioenergy production in the Upper Rhine Region » - 2012-2015. Participants : Freiburg University, ENGEES, Université de Haute-Alsace, Basel University, Universtat Koblenz-Landau, Fachhochschule Hochschule für Life Sciences Nordwestschweiz (IEC), ASPA, CNRS, University of Strasbourg. Contract : J. Stark, W. Selmi.
Few publications
- Barth A., M. Guevara, N. Blond, H. Ü. Yilmaz, J. Dehler, A. Clappier, Rapport du projet Interreg RES-TMO: Decision support tool and its application in the implementation of energy strategies, 2022.
- Guevara, M., A. Barth, N. Blond, A. Clappier, Rapport du projet TECA - Développement d’un outil d’aide à la décision pour la définition de stratégies énergétiques, climat et qualité de l’air, 2021.
- Gavrilut, I., F. Kytzia, K. Izmailova, Z. Najjar, B. Koch (Uni Freiburg, FeLis), M. Guevara, A. Barth, A. Clappier, N. Blond (Unistra-CNRS, LIVE), J. Miocic (Uni Freiburg, Sedimentology), J. Dehler-Holland (KIT, IIP), B. Canaan (UHA), A regional cross-border approach to the energy transition: Political context and decarbonization pathways, renewable energy potentials, and two energy system models, in “Cross-Border Renewable Energy Transitions : Lessons from Europe's Upper Rhine Region”, Routledge, 2021.
- Guevara-Luna Marco, 2020-2023, Integrated assessment of energy strategies and their impact on air pollution. Directeur de thèse : A. Clappier. Co-encadrante : N. Blond. Financement : Fonds de dotation AIR et ED413 de l’Université de Strasbourg.
- Madrazo Jessie, 2015-2018, Alternative Methods for Assessing Air Quality and Energy Strategies for Developing Countries: A Case Study on Cuba, Thesis from EPFL n° 9010. PhD directors: Prof. F. Golay & Prof. A. Clappier. https://infoscience.epfl.ch/record/261332?ln=fr


Dr. Nadège BLOND, Atmospheric physicist and chemist Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) nadege.blond[at]live-cnrs.unistra.fr 0033 (0)3 68 85 09 71 | Pr. Alain CLAPPIER, Atmospheric physicist and chemist Université de Strasbourg alain.clappier[at]live-cnrs.unistra.fr 0033 (0)3 68 85 09 48 |