
Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement
Faculté de géographie et d'aménagement
3 rue de l'Argonne - 67000 STRASBOURG
Bureau 303
Laboratoire Image Ville Environnement
Faculté de géographie et d'aménagement
3 rue de l'Argonne - 67000 STRASBOURG
Bureau 303
EUZEN,C., SCHMITT, L., CHARDON, V., RIXHON, G., PERRONE, T., PREUSSER, F., BADARIOTTI, D., CHABAUX, F., (2021), Geomorphology, geochemistry and geochronology to characterize the trajectory of an anthropized hydrosystem from the 19th century to today. Case of the Upper Rhine., Mid-European Geomorphology Meeting 2021 (MGM2021), Nov 6-10, Munich, Poster.
EUZEN,C., SCHMITT, L., RIXHON, G., PERRONE, T., PREUSSER, F., EYROLLE, F., BADARIOTTI, D., CHABAUX, F., (2022), Floodplain sediments to study the trajectory of an anthropized hydrosytem. Case of the Upper Rhine, Quaternaire13 (Q13), March 14-18, Strasbourg, Oral presentation.
DENDIEVEL, A.-M., GROSBOIS, C., AYRAULT, S., EVRARD, O., COYNEL, A., DEBRET, M., GARDES, T., EUZEN, C., SCHMITT, L., CHABAUX, F., WINIARSKI, T., VAN DER PERK, M., MOURIER, B., (2022), Progress towards an international comparison of river sediment pollution: Key factors influencing metal concentrations along seven Western European Rivers (1945-2020), European Geoscience Union 2022 (EGU2022), May 23-27, Vienna, Oral presentation.
EUZEN,C., CHABAUX, F.,ARTIGUE, C., PERRONE, T., EYROLLE, F., RIXHON, G., PREUSSER, F., BADARIOTTI, D., SCHMITT, L., (2022), Pluri-secular trajectory of the Upper Rhine fluvial hydrosystem through an interdisciplinary study of floodplain fine sediments, DRIHHM2022, June 20-22, Nantes, Oral/poster
RIXHON, G., BEGORRE, C., EUZEN, C., FUCHS, C., JAUTZY, T., LAIBLE, J., SCHMITT, L., Exploring the multi-faceted potential of luminescence profiling via the portable reader in various fluvial depositional systems (NE France), 10th international conference on geomorphology (ICG), Sept 12-16, Coimbra (Portugal), Oral/poster