I study processes linked to climate change in territories (causes and consequences) as well as mitigation and adaptation solutions (reducing GHG emissions and preparing for current and future impacts) with different communities (scientists, decision-makers, residents). This research is partly interdisciplinary (physical and social sciences) and transdisciplinary (from theory to application). My (collaborative) research activities include:
- Determining the past, present and future climatic conditions of territories (urban and rural)
- Development and evaluation of measurements and simulations
- Downscaling (dynamical, statistical)
- Analysis of spatiotemporal variability and trends (weather extremes, weather types, analogues, etc.)
- Examining climate-related territorial issues as well as mitigation and adaptation options (energy and health, water and biodiversity)
- Integration of climate change into impact models (e.g. residential buildings, aquatic fauna)
- Simulation and evaluation of mitigation and adaptation scenarios for the near and distant future
- Co-producing knowledge and co-developing solutions with local stakeholders
- Prospective activities (interviews, workshops, projects) to support decision-making
- Comparison between local (experience, perception) and scientific knowledge