CNRS Researcher

Laboratoire image ville environnement Office: 310 +33 3 68 85 09 83 Research cluster: Landscape dynamics Main research theme: Urbanised deltas |
Laboratoire image ville environnement Office: 310 +33 3 68 85 09 83 Research cluster: Landscape dynamics Main research theme: Urbanised deltas |
Society-nature interactions with a geoarchaeological approach;
Geoarchaeology of deltaic environments (fluvial and coastal);
Geoarchaeology of cities, ports and canals;
Geomatics and GIS applied to geoarchaeological contexts;
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions;
Interdisciplinarity tools between geosciences and archaeology (cartography, chronology).
2023-2025 : ODVI– « Waters of Life. Fluvial dynamics and resource exploitation at Chanhu-daro in the 3rd millennium BCE (Indus Basin, Pakistan)». Funded by: ENGIE Foundation. Project coordinators: Dr. Margareta Tengberg and Dr. Marjan Mashkour (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, UMR-7209).
2022-2024 : AdaptiCity – « Spina and Comacchio: Which adaptations to the risks of subsidence and submergence in the long term? (Po delta, Italy) ». Fundings: IdEx Exploratoire – Université de Strasbourg/CNRS. Coordinator: Dr. Ferréol Salomon; Collaborations: Università di Bologna, Università di Padova and Università Ca'Foscari of Venice.
2022-2025 : LIXVS-GARVM– Fundings: Universidad de Cádiz. Coordinators: Prof. Darío Bernal-Casasola (Universidad de Cádiz) and Prof. Mohamed Kbiri Alaoui (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine - INSAP).
2022-2025 : EOR – « Early Ostia Revisited ». Fundings: FNRS (Belgium). Coordinators: Prof. Thomas Morard and Prof. Françoise van Haeperen (Université de Liège).
2021-2023 : AMEr – « Archaeological Mission at Eridu ». Fundings: Università de La Sapienza and Université de Strasbourg - Coordinators: Prof. Franco d'Agostino (Universté La Sapienza, Rome) and Prof. Philippe Quenet (Université de Strasbourg).
2020-2022 : FosPhora – « Fos-Ostie-Portus: Harbours of Roman Antiquity ». Fundings: A*Midex– Université Aix-Marseille. Coordinator: Dr. Marie-Brigitte Carre.
2019-2021 : CadiX-Y-Z– « Reconstuction of the palaeotopography and history of Cadiz through its sedimentary archives ». Fundings: Post-Doc IdEx Attractivité (CNRS LIVE UMR 7362 / Université de Cádiz). Coordinators: Dr. Ferréol Salomon / In collaboration with Prof. Darío Bernal (Universidad de Cádiz).
2016-2017 : Akrotiri – « Geoarchaeology of the Akrotiri Peninsula, Cyprus ». Fundings: Honor Frost Foundation. Coordinator: Dr. Ferréol Salomon.
2014-2019 : PortusLimen Project– « Rome Mediterranean Ports - RoMP ». Fundings: ERC. Coordinators: Prof. Simon Keay and Prof. Pascal Arnaud.
2008-2013 : Ph.D., Geoarchaeology / Geomorphology. Dissertation Advisors: Prof. Jean-Paul Bravard (Université Lyon 2 – UMR-5600 - EVS) and Dr. Jean-Philippe Goiran (CNRS, UMR-5133 - Archéorient). Ph.D. thesis: Géoarchéologie du delta du Tibre : Evolution géomorphologique holocène et contraintes hydrosédimentaires dans le système Ostie-Portus.
2007-2008 : M.A. - Master 2 in Geography (Université Lyon 2 – UMR-5133 Archéorient) – Master thesis: Paléo-géomorphologie de la branche Pélusiaque, est du delta du Nil, Egypte. Dissertation Advisors: Dr. Laurent Schmitt (Université Lyon 2 – UMR-5600 - EVS) and Jean-Philippe Goiran (CNRS, UMR-5133 - Archéorient).
2006-2007 : M.A. - Master 1 in Archaeology at the University of Tübingen, Germany (Erasmus with Lyon 2) - Master thesis: Etude géoarchéologique du port de Claude, delta du Tibre, Italie. Dissertation Advisors: Prof. Matthieu Poux (Université Lyon 2) and Dr. Jean-Philippe Goiran (CNRS, UMR-5133 - Archéorient).
2005-2006 : B.A. in archaeology and B.A. in Geography (Université Lyon 2).
45. Salomon, F., P. Terrado Ortuño, P.-A. Herrault, K. Fujiki, O. Finance, A. Lasheras González, J.-M. Macias-Solé, A. de Graauw K. Strutt, S. Keay, 2024, Reconstructing the plurisecular trajectory of an exemplary hybrid urban delta (Tarragona-Francolí system, Spain): Towards the end of a delta? Geomorphology 462: 109344.
44. Salomon, F., A. Lasheras González, P. Terrado Ortuño, J.-M. Macias-Solé, K. Strutt, P.-A. Herrault, P.R. Morgan, S. Keay, 2024, Challenging reconstruction of the plurimillennial morphodynamics of hybrid urban deltas: Trajectory from a wave-dominated delta to a human-dominated delta in the Western Mediterranean area. Geomorphology 455: 109178.
43. Salomon, F., K. Strutt, D. Mladenović, J.-P. Goiran, S. Keay, 2023, Management of fluvio-coastal dynamics in the Tiber delta during the Roman period: using an integrated waterways system to cope with environmental challenges at Ostia and Portus. Water History 15: 105–123.
42. Abdulkarim, M., S. Chapkanski, D. Ertlen, H. Mahmood, E. Obioha, F. Preusser, C. Rambeau, F. Salomon, M. Schiemann, Laurent Schmitt, 2022. Morpho-Sedimentary Characteristics of Holocene Paleochannels in the Upper Rhine Alluvial Plain, France. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 71, 2: 191‑212.
41. Bernal-Casasola, D., F. Salomon, J. J. Díaz, M. Lara, G. Rixhon, 2021. Un cambio de paradigma paleotopográfico en Gadir-Gades. Geoarqueología de profundidad en su estrecho interinsular (canal Bahía-Caleta). Archivo Español de Arqueología 94.
40. Polidorou, M., . Evelpidou, T. Tsourou, H. Drinia, F. Salomon, L. Blue, 2021. Observations on Palaeogeographical Evolution of Akrotiri Salt Lake, Lemesos, Cyprus. Geosciences 11, 8: 321.
39. Salomon, F., Vittori, C., Noirot, B., Pleuger, E., Rosa, C., Mazzini, I., Carbonel, P., Djerbi, H., Bellotti, P., Goiran, J.-P., 2020. Reconstruction of the Tiber Deltaic stratigraphic successions near Ostia using the PADM chart and tracking of the bedload-derived facies (Rome, Italy). Geomorphology 365, 107227.
38. Salomon, F., Bernal Casasola, D., Díaz, J.J., Lara Medina, M., Domínguez-Bella, S., Ertlen, D., Wassmer, P., Adam, P., Schaeffer, P., Hardion, L., Vittori, C., Chapkanski, S., Delile, H., Schmitt, L., Preusser, F., Trautmann, M., Masi, A., Vignola, C., Sadori, L., Morales, J., Vidal Matutano, P., Robin, V., Keller, B., Sanchez Bellón, Á., Martínez López, J., Rixhon, G., 2020. High-resolution late Holocene sedimentary cores record the long history of the city of Cádiz (south-western Spain). Scientific Drilling 8, 1–13.
37. Salomon, F., 2020. Les origines d’Ostie : quelles interactions avec la dynamique d’embouchure ? (Delta du Tibre, Italie). Archimède. Archéologie et histoire ancienne 7, 129–140.
36. Delile, H., Salomon, F., 2020. Palaeotsunami deposits at the Tiber River mouth (Ostia Antica, Italy): Do they really exist? Earth-Science Reviews 103268.
35. Bernal-Casasola, D., Salomon, F., Díaz, J.J., Lara, M., Rixhon, G., Morales, J., Vidal Matutano, P., 2020. Deeper Than Expected: The Finding of a Remarkable Ancient Harbour at Gadir/Gades and an Exceptional Sedimentary Archive (Cádiz, Southern Spain). Journal of Maritime Archaeology 15, 165–183.
34. Borderie, Q., Banerjea, R., Bonnet, S., Devos, Y., Nicosia, C., Petit, C., Salomon, F., Schneider, N., Wouters, B., Wuscher, P., 2020. Géoarchéologies des contextes urbains : mieux comprendre les modalités de l’artificialisation des géosystèmes. Archimède : archéologie et histoire ancienne 141–157.
33. Medina, M.L., Bernal-Casasola, D.B., Rodríguez, J.J.D., López, J.M.G., Salomon, F., Retamosa, J.A., Mateos, R.M.A., 2020. Nuevos datos del Cádiz moderno a la luz de las recientes investigaciones arqueológicas en Valcárcel (Cádiz). Onoba: revista de arqueología y antigüedad 141–164.
32. Lisé-Pronovost, A., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., St-Onge, G., Herries, A.I.R., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., Heslop, D., Roberts, A.P., Levchenko, V., Zawadzki, A., Heijnis, H., 2019. Dredging and canal gate technologies in Portus, the ancient harbour of Rome, reconstructed from event stratigraphy and multi-proxy sediment analysis. Quaternary International 511, 78–93.
31. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Noirot, B., Pleuger, E., Bukowiecki, E., Mazzini, I., Carbonel, P., Gadhoum, A., Arnaud, P., Keay, S., Zampini, S., Kay, S., Raddi, M., Ghelli, A., Pellegrino, A., Morelli, C., Germoni, P., 2018. Geoarchaeology of the Roman port-city of Ostia: Fluvio-coastal mobility, urban development and resilience. Earth-Science Reviews 177, 265–283.
30. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Vittori, C., Pleuger, E., Noirot, B., Mazzini, I., Pepe, C., Sadori, L., Rosa, C., Pannuzi, S., Pellegrino, A., Germoni, P., Morelli, C., 2018. Geoarcheologia di Ostia: una città fluviale tra mare e laguna. Forum Romanum Belgicum Artikel / Article / Articolo
29. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Pannuzi, S., Djerbi, H., Rosa, C., 2017a. Long-Term Interactions between the Roman City of Ostia and Its Paleomeander, Tiber Delta, Italy. Geoarchaeology 32, 215–229.
28. Salomon, F., Keay, S., Carayon, N., Goiran, J.-P., 2017b. Un « modèle âge-profondeur paléoenvironnemental » pour interpréter les séquences sédimentaires en milieu portuaire (Portus, Italie). Quaternaire. Revue de l’Association française pour l’étude du Quaternaire 167–172.
27. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Vittori, C., Christiansen, J., Oberlin, C., Boetto, G., Arnaud, P., Mazzini, I., Sadori, L., Poccardi, G., Pellegrino, A., 2017. High chrono-stratigraphical resolution of the harbour sequence of Ostia: palaeo-depth of the basin, ship drought and dredging, in: Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World, Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series. Portsmouth, Rhode Island, pp. 68–84.
26. Lisé-Pronovost, A., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., St-Onge, G., Herries, A.I.R., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., Heslop, D., Robertson, A., Levchenko, V., Zawadzki, A., Heijnis, H., 2016. Dating the ancient harbour of Rome sediments for geoarchaeological and paleomagnetic investigations, AINSE annual report. Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE Ltd.), Sydney.
25. Salomon, F., Keay, S., Carayon, N., Goiran, J.-P., 2016a. The Development and Characteristics of Ancient Harbours—Applying the PADM Chart to the Case Studies of Ostia and Portus. PLOS ONE 11, e0162587.
24. Salomon, F., Keay, S., Strutt, K., Goiran, J.-P., Millett, M., Germoni, P., 2016b. Connecting Portus with Ostia: preliminary results of a geoarchaeological study of the navigable canal on the Isola Sacra. Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise - Supplément 44, 293–303.
23. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Vittori, C., Boetto, G., Pleuger, E., Christiansen, J., Noirot, B., Pellegrino, A., Mazzini, I., Sadori, L., Oberlin, C., Pepe, C., Arnaud, P., 2016. Géoarchéologie du bassin portuaire d’Ostie. Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise - Supplément 44, 305–320.
22. Pepe, C., Sadori, L., Andrieu-Ponel, V., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., 2016. Late Holocene pollen record from Fiume Morto (Dead River), a palaeomeander of Tiber River near Ancient Ostia (central Italy). J Paleolimnol 56, 173–187.
21. Sadori, L., Mazzini, I., Pepe, C., Goiran, J.-P., Pleuger, E., Ruscito, V., Salomon, F., Vittori, C., 2016. Palynology and ostracodology at the Roman port of ancient Ostia (Rome, Italy). The Holocene 26, 1502–1512.
20. Vittori, C., Mazzini, I., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Pannuzi, S., Rosa, C., Pellegrino, A., 2015. Palaeoenvironmental evolution of the ancient lagoon of Ostia Antica (Tiber delta, Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science 54, 374–384.
19. Purdue L., Salomon F., Berger J.-F., Goiran J.-P., 2015, “Canal through time: towards a multidisciplinary and holistic study of water systems?” Water History, 7, 1, 1-9. Introduction to the Special Issue: « Canal through time: a technological answer to socio-environmental variability? Application to constraining environments ».
18. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Arnaud, P., Djerbi, H., Kay, S., Keay, S., 2014. A harbour–canal at Portus: a geoarchaeological approach to the Canale Romano: Tiber delta, Italy. Water History 6, 31–49.
17. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Mazzini, I., Bravard, J.-P., Pleuger, E., Vittori, C., Boetto, G., Christiansen, J., Arnaud, P., Pellegrino, A., Pepe, C., Sadori, L., 2014. Geoarchaeology confirms location of the ancient harbour basin of Ostia (Italy). Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 389–398.
16. Delile, H., Mazzini, I., Blichert-Toft, J., Goiran, J.P., Arnaud-Godet, F., Salomon, F., Albarède, F., 2014. Geochemical investigation of a sediment core from the Trajan basin at Portus, the harbor of ancient Rome. Quaternary Science Reviews 87, 34–45.
15. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Keay, S., 2014. Le système portuaire Portus-Ostie-Tibre, delta du Tibre, Italie. Géochronique 130, 29–31.
14. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Pleuger, E., Mazzini, I., Arnoldus-Huyzendveld, A., Ghelli, A., Boetto, G., Germoni, P., 2014. Ostie et l’embouchure du Tibre. Chronique des activités archéologiques de l’École française de Rome.
13. Salomon F., Purdue L., Goiran J.-P., Berger J.-F. 2014. Roman canals studies – Main research aims. Water History, 6, 1, p. 1-9. Introduction to the Special Issue:. « Roman canals ».
12. Jouannic, G., Gillot, P.-Y., Goiran, J.-P., Lefevre, J.-C., Siani, G., Salomon, F., 2013. Tephrochronological study in the Maccarese lagoon (near Rome, Italy): Identification of holocene tephra layers. Quaternaire 24, 65–74.
11. Salomon, F., Delile, H., Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Keay, S., 2012. The Canale di Comunicazione Traverso in Portus: the Roman sea harbour under river influence (Tiber delta, Italy). Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement 75–90.
10. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Bukowiecki, E., Boetto, G., 2012a. Portus. Chronique des activités archéologiques de l’École française de Rome.
9. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Pleuger, E., Vittori, C., Mazzini, I., Boetto, G., Arnaud, P., Pellegrino, A., 2012b. Résultats préliminaires de la première campagne de carottages dans le port antique d’Ostie. Chroniques des Mélanges de l’Ecole Française de Rome 123.
8. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Tronchère, H., Djerbi, H., Carbonel, P., Ognard, C., Oberlin, C., 2011. Géoarchéologie des ports de Claude et de Trajan, Portus, delta du Tibre. MEFRA - Antiquité 123, 157–236.
7. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Bukowiecki, É., Boetto, G., 2011. Portus altitudes de structures archéologiques par rapport au niveau marin antique (Secteur : Magazzini di Traiano et Darsena). Mélanges de l’École française de Rome - Antiquité 288–294.
6. Goiran, J.-P., Tronchère, H., Salomon, F., Carbonel, P., Djerbi, H., Ognard, C., 2010. Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the ancient harbors of Rome: Claudius and Trajan’s marine harbors on the Tiber delta. Quaternary International 216, 3–13.
5. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Millett, M., Strutt, K., Kay, S., Earl, G., Paroli, L., Keay, S., 2010. Delta du Tibre - Campagne de carottage 2009 - Géoarchéologie des canaux de Portus : l’exemple du Canale Romano. MEFRA - Chronique 122, 263–267
4. Goiran, J.-P., Tronchère, H., Collalelli, U., Salomon, F., Djerbi, H., 2009. Découverte d’un niveau marin biologique sur les quais de Portus: le port antique de Rome. Méditerranée 112, 59–67.
3. Goiran, J.-P., Bravard, J.-P., Salomon, F., Ballantyne, R.M., Margaritis, E., 2009. Etude des canaux de Portus, delta du Tibre - Résultats de la campagne de carottage 2008. MEFRA - Chronique 60–64.
2. Goiran, J.-P., Tronchère, H., Carbonel, P., Salomon, F., Djerbi, H., Ognard, C., Lucas, G., Colalelli, U., 2008. Portus, la question de la localisation des ouvertures du port de Claude : approche géomorphologique. MEFRA - Chronique, 217–228.
1. Tronchère, H., Salomon, F., Callot, Y., Goiran, J.-P., Schmitt, L., Forstner-Muller, I., Bietak, M., 2008. Geoarchaeology of Avaris, first results. Egypt and the Levant, Austrian Academy of Sciences Press 18.
17. Salomon, F., C. Rousse, 2023, Geoarchaeology and Archaeology of Navigable Canals in River Deltas during the Roman Period: Technical, Methodological and Conceptual Approaches. In Rivers and Waterways in the Roman World, par Andrew Tibbs et Peter B. Campbell. Oxon and New York: Routledge.
16. Salomon, F., C. Rousse, 2022. Navigable canals in deltaic environments during the Roman period: deciphering location patterns ». In Ports Romans. Arqueologia dels sistemes portuaris, par Ade Lasheras González, Joaquín Ruiz de Arbulo, et Patricia Terrado Ortuño, 173‑95. Tarraco Biennal - 5e Congrès Internacional d’Arqueologia i Mon Antic - 24-27/11/2021. Tarragona, 2022.
15. Arnaud, P., S. Colin, Q. Poterek, F. Salomon, 2022. « Les alignements de points dans la construction des mers chez Ptolémée ». In Sine Fine:Studies in honour of Klaus Geus on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, par Søren Lund Sørensen, 55‑71. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
14. Goiran, J.-P., W. May Chan, C. Benech, Q. Vitale, N. Riddick, H. Delile, F. Salomon, S. Chapkanski, C. Oberlin, G. Brocard, A. Lisé-Pronovost, C. Vittori, 2022. Developments in Geoarchaeological Research, Methodologies and Applications in Harbour Maritime Archaeology. Band 21: 109‑29.
13. Salomon, F., D. Bernal Casasola, C. Vittori, H. Djerbi, 2021. Palaeogeography, harbour potential and salt resources since the greek and roman periods at the promontory of Pachino. Preliminary results and perspectives. In Le cetariae ellenistiche e romane di Portopalo (Sicilia), D. Bernal Casasola, D. Malfitana, A. Mazzaglia, J. J. Díaz (Edts), 217‑34. HEROM, Supplement 1. Catania.
12. Pannuzi, S., F. Salomon, J.-P. Goiran, S. Keay, C. Rosa, K. Strutt, 2021. Ostia Antica, località Fiume Morto : Una rilettura della problematica archeologica e geoarcheologica alla luce delle nuove ricerche. In Ostia, l’Italia e il Mediterraneo : Intorno all’opera di Mireille Cébeillac-Gervasoni. Atti del Quinto seminario ostiense, Roma-Ostia, 21-22 febbraio 2018, M. L. Caldelli, N. Laubry, F. Zevi (Edts), 161‑99. Collection de l’École française de Rome. Rome: Publications de l’École française de Rome.
11. Bernal-Casasola, D., M. Lara Medina, J. J. Díaz Rodríguez, F. Salomon, G. Rixhon, 2021. “ Gadir” y" Gades", ciudades insulares: el paisaje portuario de Cádiz tras las investigaciones geoarqueológicas del Valcárcel ». In La Caleta (Cádiz): Entre la Tierra y el Mar: Un estudio diacrónico de uso, 69‑85. Aconcagua Libros.
10. Salomon, F., Lebrun-Nesteroff, L., Goiran, J.-P., Boetto, G., Arnoldus-Huyzendveld†, A., Germoni, P., Rosa C., Ghelli, A., Mazzini, I., Vittori, C., Zampini, S., Keay, S., 2020. The Portus to Ostia Canal, in: The Isola Sacra Survey: Ostia, Portus and the Port System of Imperial Rome. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, pp. 123–145.
9. Salomon F., C. Rambeau, G. Rixhon, L. Schmitt. 2019, Indentification de dépôts du Tardiglaciaire et de l’Holocène ancien dans la plaine du Rhin (Secteur de Drusenheim-Seltz). In Le Paléolithique et le Mésolithique de la Plaine d’Alsace et des collines sous-vosgiennes. Reprises des données existantes, pistes pour détecter les sites et approches territoriales - Bilan de l’année 2018, par Patrice Wuscher et al., 45‑47, Archéologie Alsace. PCR PaleoEls. Strasbourg, 2019.
8. Schmitt, L., Beisel, J.-N., Preusser, F., De Jong, C., Wantzen, K.M., Chardon, V., Staentzel, C., Eschbach, D., Damm, C., Rixhon, G., Salomon, F., Glaser, R., Himmelsbach, I., Meinard, Y., Dumont, S., Hardion, L., Houssier, J., Rambeau, C., Chapkanski, S., Brackhane, S., 2019. Sustainable Management of the Upper Rhine River and Its Alluvial Plain: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research in France and Germany, in: Sustainability Research in the Upper Rhine Region : Concepts and Case Studies, Etudes Alsaciennes et Rhénanes. Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, pp. 201–226.
7. Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Bellotti, P., Keay, S., 2017. Géoarchéologie des canaux de Portus – Estimation des gabarits, in: Roma, Tevere, Litorale. Ricerche Tra Passato e Presente. Università degli Studi Roma Tre - CROMA, Rome, pp. 53–60.
6. Keay, S., Salomon, F., Strutt, K., Carayon, N., 2017. Prospections géophysiques et géoarchéologiques du port de Baelo Claudia, 2016, in: Baelo Claudia: 100 Años de Arqueología, 100 Imágenes Para La Memoria. Casa de Velasquez, Madrid, pp. 268–269.
5. Mazzini, I., Pepe, C., Giardini, M., Masi, A., Sadori, L., Ruscito, V., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Giraudi, C., 2017. I sedimenti dei porti imperiali di Roma come archivi dei cambiamenti ambientali e del paesaggio: un approccio multidisciplinare, in: Roma, Tevere, Litorale. Ricerche Tra Passato e Presente. Università degli Studi Roma Tre - CROMA, Rome, pp. 37–43.
4. Bernal-Casasola, D., Expósito, J.A., Díaz, J.J., Carayon, N., Strutt, K., Salomon, F., Keay, S., 2017. Baelo Claudia, Puerto Pesquero, Comercial y de Viajeros. Nuevas Perspectivas, in: Los Puertos Atlánticos Béticos y Lusitanos y Su Relación Comercial Con El Mediterráneo, Hispania Antigua, Serie Arqueológica. L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome, pp. 307–344.
3. Goiran, J.-P., Tronchère, H., Salomon, F., Prieur, A., Djerbi, H., Carbonel, P., Schmitt, L., 2015. The geoarchaeology of ancient Mediterranean harbours in a deltaic context. Methodological approaches highlighted by three study cases from the Nile (Egypt) and Tiber (Italy) deltas (Chapter 22) / Géoarchéologie des ports antiques méditerranéens en contexte deltaïque. Approches méthodologiques illustrées à partir de trois exemples des deltas du Nil (Égypte) et du Tibre (Italie) (Chapitre 22), in: French Geoarchaeology in the 21st Century / La Géoarchéologie Au XXIe Siècle. CNRS Editions, Paris, pp. 291–300.
2. Goiran, J.-P., Salomon, F., Tronchère, H., Carbonel, P., Djerbi, H., Ognard, C., 2011. Caracteristiques sedimentaires du bassin portuaire de Claude: nouvelles donnees pour la localisation des ouvertures, in: Keay, S., Paroli, L. (Eds.), Portus and Its Hinterland: Recent Archaeological Research, Archaeological Monographs of the British School at Rome. British School at Rome, London, pp. 31–45.
1. Tronchère, H., Salomon, F., Goiran, J.-P., Callot, Y., Schmitt, L., 2011. Avaris et la branche pélusiaque du Nil, in: M.J. Penven, H. Regnauld, D. Mercier (Dir.), « Mobilité Des Formes et Surfaces Terrestres : Des Changements Passés Aux Changements Actuels». Presse Universitaire de Rennes, Rennes.