
  • Since 2022 : PhD: « The mouths of the Tiber and Po rivers in the 1st millennium BC: comparative reconstruction of morpho-sedimentary dynamics with archaeological and historical chronologies ». Dissertation Advisors: Pr. Laurent SCHMITT and Dr. Ferréol Salomon (Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement - UMR 7362) Université de Strasbourg.

Education and experiences


  • Since 2022 : PhD : « Les deltas méditerranéens du 1er millénaire avant notre ère : synchronisation de la dynamique des embouchures et des chronologies historiques ». Faculté de Géographie, Université de Strasbourg.
  • 2019-2021 : M.A. - Master in Geography. Faculté de Géographie, Université de Strasbourg.
  • 2016-2019 B.A. - Licence in Physical Geography. Faculté de Géographie, Université de Strasbourg.


  • Since 2022 : PhD : « Les deltas méditerranéens du 1er millénaire avant notre ère : synchronisation de la dynamique des embouchures et des chronologies historiques ». Faculté de Géographie, Université de Strasbourg.
  • October 2021- april 2022 : Geomorphologist. Institut National de Recherche d’Archéologie Préventive (INRAP) – Centre Archéologique de Metz (57).


  • July 2023 : Scholarschip at the French School at Rome.


  • Computing (L1 Geography), Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (67).

  • Geomorphology III : quantitative geomorphology, morphogenesis and naturals hazards (L3 Geography, L3 Earth Science). Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg (67).

Seminar organisation




Godier, S., Juncker, J., Salomon, F., 2024. The western side of Spina: an interface between the city and a quickly filling lagoonal environment. Ocnus. Quaderni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici (in press).



International conferences

  • Juncker, J., Salomon, F., Turci, M., Mainet, G., Morard, T., Rosa, C., Schmitt, L.: New researches on the mobility of the Tiber mouth below Ostia with a fine chronological scale. Urbs in transitum: innovazione e tradizione tra Roma e Ostia nel III secolo. Convegno Internazionale, Istituto Storico Austriaco – Academia Belgica – Parco archeologico di Ostia antica, October 4th-7th 2023.
  • Salomon, F., Juncker, J., Impact of the construction of the Portus-Ostia system on the river mouth of Ostia during the Imperial period. Urbs in transitum: innovazione e tradizione tra Roma e Ostia nel III secolo. Convegno Internazionale, Istituto Storico Austriaco – Academia Belgica – Parco archeologico di Ostia antica, October 4th-7th 2023.
  • Juncker, J., Salomon, F., Gaucci, A., Schmitt, L., Zampieri, E., River mouth mobility during the 1st millennium BCE: The case of the Po and the Etruscan city of Spina (Ferrara, Italy). XXI International Union for Quaternary Research congress, time for change. July 14th-20th 2023, Sapienza university of Rome, Italy
  • Juncker, J., Salomon, F., Codjo, I., Rousse, C., Skupinski, G., Carayon, N., Quesnel, Y., Uehara, M., Devillers, B., Vella, C.: Chronological challenges to determine the presence of palaeochannels and the canal of Marius In The eastern part Of the Rhône delta. 1st International Conference of Mediterranean Harbour and Coastal Archaeology. 27 septembre – 1er octobre 2022. Aix-en-Provence. Poster.
  • Juncker, J., Salomon, F., Rousse, C., Skupinski, G., Carayon, N., Quesnel, Y., Uehara, M., Devillers, B., Vella, C.: Temporal trajectory of the eastern part of the Rhône delta during the 1st millennium BCE: from palaochannels to a roman navigable canal? Quaternaire 13: Palaeoclimate changes, landscape evolution and human societies - from sedimentary basins to industrial landscapes. Strasbourg. 14-18 mars 2022. Présentation orale. https://hal.science/hal-03720490
  • Rousse, C., Quesnel, Y., Uehara, M., Salomon, F., Juncker, J. : Il canale di Mario tra Fos e Arles. Geoarcheologia del settore dei Marais du Vigueirat-Arles. VII Seminario Ostiense : Ostia, Porto e oltre: sguardi incrociati. Ricerche pluridisciplinari sui porti romani, École française de Rome. Rome. 18 octobre 2021. Présentation orale. shs.hal.science/halshs-03564163


Language skills

  • French (native)
  • English (advanced)
  • German (advanced)
  • Italian (novice)