
Laboratoire image ville environnement
Faculté des sciences de la vie
28 rue Goethe - 67000 STRASBOURG
Bureau 345

    +33 3 68 85 09 90


Research activities

Keywords|| Urban ecology - Plant communities - Wasteland - Traveling species - Conservation - Landscape connectivity

Coordination of the EvolVille project, Evolution comes to town(2020 – in progress) || Aim: Our objective is to understand the adaptation mechanisms - underlying the observed patterns - of plant communities and populations to the urban environment. We question the relative role of genetic adaptation, phenotypic plasticity or rearrangement of plants populations and communities in the face of urbanization.

Method: During three years, we studied the composition of plant communities and measured the functional traits of 4 species populations - Dactylis glomerata, Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium pratense and Medicago lupulina - in 60 herbaceous sites located in the Eurometropole of Strasbourg and exposed to varying pressures of artificialization, human management and population density. At the community level, we studied the response of performance, trait and diversity indices to urbanization. At the population level, we studied a selection of plant traits characterising growth, reproduction and survival functions of an individual. The intraspecific variabilities observed in situ were compared to an approach under similar environmental conditions in a botanical garden, to disentangle adaptation mechanisms related to genetic adaptation from those related to phenotypic plasticity.

Team: This study combine skills of community ecologist, population biologist, human and physical geographers and, stakeholders to encourage better consideration of biodiversity in the management of green spaces and the development of cities.

Professional experience

Since 2019: Lecturer at the Faculty of Life Sciences and at the Image Ville Environnement Laboratory (LIVE), University of Strasbourg

2015-2019: Missions at the Regional Agency for Biodiversity in Île-de-France

2012 - 2015: Territorial agent at the Departmental Observatory of Urban Biodiversity of Seine-Saint-Denis (ODBU)

2010 – 2012: Post doctorate at Pierre and Marie Curie University, Ile-de-France federation for environmental research (FIRE)

2009 – 2010: Post doctorate at the National Museum of Natural History, Center of Conservation Sciences (CESCO)

2007 – 2009: Temporary Teaching and Research Assistant at Pierre and Marie Curie University

2002 – 2006: PhD in ecology from Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris VI)

Scientific publications

RAD sequencing, morphometry and synecology clarify the taxonomy of the Melica ciliata (Poaceae) complex in France and Poland
Castro S, Muratet A, Szczepaniak M, Nguefack J, Hardion L (2023)
Journal of Systematics and Evolution © Wiley

Manual of urban ecology
Muratet A, Chiron F, Muratet M (2021)
Editions les presses du réel, 120 pages [available here]

Wasteland, a Refuge for Biodiversity, for Humanity
Muratet A, Muratet M, Pellaton M, Brun M, Baude M, Shwartz A, Fontaine C (2021) dans Urban Wastelands. Cities and Nature Di Pietro F., Robert A. (eds).pp 87-112 doi 10.1007/978-3-030-74882-1_5

Mobilité et biodiversité, un espace commun : le trottoir
Laurant S,Muratet A, Riou D (2019) Transports urbains 135 (2):10-12.

Wild pollinator activity negatively related to honey bee colony densities in urban context
Ropars L, Dajoz I, Fontaine C, Muratet A, Geslin B (2019) PLoSONE 14(9):e0222316

Initial conditions during Technosol implementation shape earthworms and ants diversity
Vergnes A, Blouin M, Muratet A, Lerch T, Mendez-Milland M, Rouelle-Castrece M, Dubs F (2017) Landscape and Urban Planning 159:32-41 doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.10.002

Perception and knowledge of plant diversity among urban park users
Muratet A, Pellegrini P, Dufour A-B, Arrif T, Chiron F (2015) Landscape and Urban Planning 137:95-106 doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.01.003

Contrasting impacts of pesticides on butterflies and bumblebees in private gardens in France
Muratet A, Fontaine B (2015) Biological conservation 182:148-154 doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2014.11.045

Pesticide doses, landscape structure and their relative effects on farmland birds
Chiron F, Chargé R, Julliard R, Jiguet F, Muratet A (2014) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 185:153-160 doi 10.1016/j.agee.2013.12.013

Reduction of pesticide use can increase earthworm populations in wheat crops in a European temperate region
Pelosi C, L. Toutous L, Chiron F, Dubs F, Hedde M, Muratet A, Ponge J-F, Salmon S, Makowski D (2013) Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 181:223-230 doi 10.1016/j.agee.2013.10.003

Evaluation of landscape connectivity at community level using satellite-derived NDVI
Muratet A, Lorrilière R, Clergeau P, Fontaine C (2013) Landscape Ecology 28(1):95-105 doi 10.1007/s10980-012-9817-1

Biogeographic comparisons of herbivore attack, growth, and impact of Japanese knotweed between Japan and France
Maurel N, Fujiyoshi M, Muratet A, Porcher E, Motard E, Gargominy O, Machon N (2013) Journal of ecology 101(1):118-127 doi 10.1111/1365-2745.12026

Local and management variables outweigh landscape effects in enhancing the diversity of different taxa in a big metropolis
Shwartz A, Muratet A, Simon L, Julliard R (2013) Biological conservation 157:285-292 doi 10.1016/j.biocon.2012.09.009

Pollination success of Lotus corniculatus (L.) in an urban context
Pellissier V, Muratet A, Verfaillie F, Machon N (2012) Acta oecologica 39:94-100 doi 10.1016/j.actao.2012.01.008

Local gardening practices shape urban lawn floristic communities
Politi Bertoncini A, Machon N, Pavoine S, Muratet A(2012) Landscape and Urban Planning 105(1-2):53-61 doi 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2011.11.017

Landscape disturbance causes small-scale functional homogenization, but limited taxonomic homogenization, in plant communities
Abadie JC, Machon N, Muratet A, Porcher E (2011) Journal of ecology 99(5):1134-1142 doi 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01851.x

Does the invasive species Ailanthus altissima threaten floristic diversity of temperate peri-urban forests?
Motard E, Muratet A, Clair-Maczulajtys D, Machon N (2011) Comptes Rendus Biologies 334(12):872-879 doi 10.1016/j.crvi.2011.06.003

Does the invasive species Reynoutria japonica have an impact on soil and flora in urban wastelands?
Maurel N, Salmon S, Ponge JF, Machon N, Moret J, Muratet A (2010) Biological invasions 12(6):1387-3547 doi 10.1007/s10530-009-9583-4

Use of extensive habitat inventories in biodiversity studies
Muratet A, Porcher E, Abadie JC, Poncet L, Moret J, Robert A (2009) Biodiversity and Conservation 18(12):3115-3125 doi 10.1007/s10531-009-9630-6

Evaluation of floristic diversity in urban areas as a basis for habitat management
Muratet A, Porcher E, Devictor V, Arnal G, Moret J, Wright S, Machon N (2008) Applied Vegetation Science 11:451-460 doi 10.3170/2008-7-18530

The role of urban structures in the distribution of wasteland flora in the Greater Paris Area, France
Muratet A, Machon N, Jiguet F, Moret J, Porcher E (2007) Ecosystems 10(4):661-671 doi 10.1007/s10021-007-9047-6

Diversité végétale en milieu urbain L’exemple des Hauts-de-Seine
Muratet A (2006)
Thèse de doctorat en écologie de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) [PDF]

Ecological guides

Flore des friches urbaines
Muratet A, Muratet M, Pellaton M (new edition 2022)
Les presses du réel, 544 pages [available here]

FLORIF Découvrez les 1600 espèces de la Flore d'Île-de-France
Jauzein P, Muratet A, Arnal G, Filoche S, Pernot T (2017)
ARB îdF, Quae, CBNBP, AEV. [available here]

La clé des prairies - les Poacées
Muratet A, Roche H (2017)
Guide published by the Seine-Saint-Denis district, Natureparif, the Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien, the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle and Plante & Cité, 36 pages [PDF]

La clé des prairies. Flore des prairies urbaines de la moitié Nord de la France
Muratet A, Lehane F, Turcati L, Vergin A, Cudennec N, Duron Q (2015)
Guide published by the Seine-Saint-Denis district, Natureparif, the Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien, the Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle and Plante & Cité, 160 pages [PDF]

La clé des champs. Flore des bordures herbacées des milieux agricoles
Muratet A, Duron Q (2013)
Guide published by Natureparif, 129 pages [PDF]

Sauvages de ma rue. Guide des plantes sauvages des villes de France
Machon N, Motard E, ..., Muratet A et al. (2012)
Editions Le Passage & Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 415 pages

Plantes et pollinisateurs observés dans les terrains vagues de Seine-Saint-Denis
Baude M, Muratet A, Fontaine C, Pellaton M (2011)
Guide published by the Observatoire départemental de la Biodiversité Urbaine, 64 pages [PDF]

Sauvages de ma rue. Guide des plantes sauvages des villes de la région parisienne
Machon N, Muratet A, Motard E, Lesné S, Machon D (2011)
Editions Le Passage & Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, 256 pages

Other publications

Evolville, l’évolution s’invite en ville
Muratet A, Hardion L, Gros C, Herrault P-A, Puissant A, Enaux C, Charnaux M, Hector A, Glatron S (2021)
In Situ 17, 4 pages [PDF]

Ailanthus altissima
Boudvin S et postface de Muratet A, Joseph M (2021)
Editions b42, 296 pages [accessible ici]

État de santé de la biodiversité en Île-de-France. Apport du programme de sciences participatives Vigie-Nature
Muratet A (2016)
Press kit Natureparif [PDF]

Terrains vagues en Seine-Saint-Denis
Muratet A, Fontaine C, Shwartz A, Baude M, Muratet M (2011)
Journal edited by Plaine Commune & Natureparif [PDF]

City flora
Machon N, Muratet A (2008)
In Man and nature
L.Garnier (ed.). Paris,UNESCO, French network of biosphere reserves - Technical notes 3- 2008, pp. 84-85 [PDF]

Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud.
Muratet A (2007) in Jean-Luc Moulène Opus (1995-2007) / Documents (1999-2007)
Lisbonne, Culturgest, 2007, pp. 205-221 [PDF]