Associate professor in Aquatic/Riverscape Ecology

Laboratoire image ville environnement
Faculté de géographie et d'aménagement
3 rue de l'Argonne
67000 Strasbourg

Office 302

    +33 3 68 85 09 85

ENGEES - Ecole nationale du génie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg
1, cour des Cigarières - CS 61039
67000 Strasbourg


   +33(0)3 88 24 82 63

ResearchGate :
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Research and expertise

1. Ecological Restoration: Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Sustainability of Actions; from Major Rivers to Small Headwater Streams.

2. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics: Fundamental and Applied Study of the Concept of Transition and Evolutionary Trajectory in a Changing World (Climate, Invasive Species, Urban Expansion, Infrastructure...) – Work on the Nature of Transitions, Determinants of Change, and Temporal Sequences. Retrospective, Current, Prospective, and Predictive Approaches.

3. Biodiversity Protection and Conservation - Considering Reconciliation between Uses and Biodiversity: (i) Quantification of Ecosystem Services at Different Spatial Scales Based on Biodiversity Databases (Multifunctionality of Environments and Uses), (ii) Analysis of Ecological Networks and Connectivity Routes.

4. Invasive Alien Species & Interspecific Interactions: (i) Allelopathy Mechanisms & Phytotoxicity Tests, (ii) Study of Trophic Networks.

5. Innovative Methodological Developments: (i) Rethinking Habitat Mapping and Spatial Analyses; from Riverbed Habitat Mosaics to Landscapes, (ii) Creation of Graphic Interfaces and Metrics & Reflections on Operational Usage Management Strategies (e.g., WFD Framework, Invasive Species, Climate).

6. Interdisciplinary Work: Project Collaboration with Geomorphologists/Geographers and Sociologists (Biodiversity-Use Relationships).

  • Expertise in natural sciences, geomatics, and bio-statistics.

  • Programming & Software Skills (office applications, video editing, analysis of vegetation surveys & phytosociology, statistics, GIS, professional drawing, textual analysis, digital tablets, landscape/image analysis, website & web map creation, programming, etc.).

  • Fieldwork and Laboratory Experimentation.

  • Inland Waterway License – Drone Operation.

  • Reviewing for Journals such as River Research and Applications, Biological Invasions, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, STOTEN, Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Water, Fishes.

Keywords: ecological restoration, global change, riverscape/landscape ecology, interspecific interactions, biological invasions, dynamics of environments.


A selection:

  • 2023-2025 RIVERDIV (European)"Protection of diversity, reduction of pollution of the Wieslauter - River management adapted to the challenges of climate change". Funding : INTERREG - Project leadpartner: Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau. Head of Biodiversity & Refuge Zone: Cybill Staentzel. Co-supervision of Matthieu Lucchini (PhD student 2023-2025). Collaborators: 25 French and German partners. Project website

  • 2023-2027 HYDECO (International)"Connections, Disconnections and Reconnections in Socio-hydrosystems: Assessing the visible/invisible interface in the interaction between the social and environmental dimensions of socio-hydrosystems". Funding : Labex DRIIHM - Project leaders: François-Michel Le Tourneau (OHMI Pima County) & David Blanchon (Univ. Paris Nanterre). Representative for OHM Fessenheim: Cybill Staentzel. Collaborations: OHM Pima County (USA), OHM Vallée du Rhône (France), OHM Littoral méditerranéen (France), OHM Fessenheim (France), OHM Estarreja (Portugal), OHM Nunavik (Canada), OHM Pyrénées-Haut Vicdessos (France). Joint work with Anne-Lise Boyer (project post-doc).Project website

  • 2023-2025 POLYMORFENCE (National)"Polymorphism of photovoltaic plant fences, Fragmentation of Natural Spaces and Ecological Continuity". Financed by : ADEME. Project leader: TerrOïko. Collaborators: Cabinet X-AEQUO, Axe Image UMR CNRS LIVE. Co-supervision of a post-doctoral student (2024-2025).

  • 2023-2025 MICMAC (Regional) - "MICro-habitat des MACro-invertébrés: description des écoulements, caractérisation des préférences et modélisation des habitats". Funding: ENGEES Scientific Council. Project leaders: Léo Guiot de la Rochère & Cybill Staentzel. Collaborators: ICUBE & LIVE laboratories. Supervision of Engineers & Master 2 internships

  • 2023 - BELGRANDIA (Regional) - "Focus on a world-class dwarf snail, Belgrandia gfrast". Funding: Petite Camargue Alsacienne (PCA). Project leaders: Jean-Michel Bichain, Léa Merckling & Cybill Staentzel. Collaborators: MHNEC, PCA & LIVE

  • 2021-2023 DOMINO (Regional) - "Structuring factors, tipping points and their influences on a major river, the Rhine: historical and prospective approaches". Funding: Labex DRIIHM & OHM Fessenheim. Project leader: Cybill Staentzel. Collaborators: ITES & LIVE laboratories. Supervision of engineering and Master 2 internships.

  • 2020-2023 NAVIDIV(European) - "River navigation infrastructures and biodiversity: impacts and opportunities for the management of the navigable landscape". Funding : Cesab FRB ITTECOP - Project leaders: Alienor JELIAZKOV - INRAE (France) & Jean-Nicolas BEISEL - ENGEES/CNRS (France). Collaborators: INRAE UR HYCAR (France), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in the Forschungsverbund Berlin (Germany), Department of Biosciences at Swansea University (United Kindgom), Wageningen University (Netherlands), National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC, Spain), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU (Austria). Joint work with Aaron Sexton (project post-doc).Project website.

  • 2022- RENOUEE (Regional) - "Asian knotweed: control methods using eco-patterning and chemical ecology". Funding : CeA - Project leader: Cybill Staentzel - ENGEES/CNRS (France). Collaborators: CeA & ENGEES/LIVE. Supervised by Victor Talmot (IE).

  • 2021 - 2023 ALEEEL (Regional) - "Phenotypic plasticity and allelopathy of invasive alien species". Funding: ENGEES Scientific Council - Project leaders: Cybill Staentzel & Laurent Hardion. Collaborators: LIVE. Supervision of engineering and Master 2 internships.
  • 2018-2021 ECOSERV (European) - "Habitat quality as a basis for the protection and conservation of aquatic/riparian biodiversity and its ecosystem services - Study carried out in valley-bottom rivers within the Vosges du Nord-Pfälzerwald transboundary biosphere reserve". Financed by : INTERREG. Project leader: University of Koblenz-Landau. Collaborators: 13 German and French partners. Project website

  • 2019-2020Appel dans le cadre du projet JUXTA RHENUM (Régional) - "Trajectories and landscape history over 67 years of Fessenheim, a socio-ecosystem in transformation: strategies for optimising post-nuclear transitions". Supervision of engineering and Master 2 internships. Project website

  • 2018-2020INTERCONNECT (European) - "Coevolution of interactions between transport infrastructure and alluvial forest: impacts, interface quality and transitions between 1945 and 2017." Funding: ITTECOP. Project leader: Jean-Nicolas Beisel. Collaborators: EIFER - Europäisches Institut für Energieforschung EDF-KIT EWIV Karlsruhe (Germany).

  • 2013-2020REDYNAMISATION DU VIEUX RHIN (Régional) - "Dynamics of biological communities in a context of restoration by sediment injection and controlled erosion: the case of the Old Rhine, France. Biological/geomorphological monitoring of large-scale restoration work using sediment injections and controlled erosion". Funded by : Electricité de France (EDF) - AERM. Project leaders: Laurent Schmitt & Jean-Nicolas Beisel.

Developpement of applications

  • RIPARIA "Outil d'évaluation du degré de réalisation de fonctions écologiques (physiques et d'habitat) au sein des milieux ripariens". Application RShiny effective et Développement Plugin QGIS en cours. Plus d'informations à venir.
  • WEBSIG "Plateforme pour la connaissance sur les actions de restauration menées au sein du PNRVN".
  • TIP "Attester de points de bascule avec l'appui statistique au sein de chroniques BACI". Package R en développement. Plus d'informations à venir.

Job experience

  • Since September 2019 : Associate professor at the Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES) [Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MAAF), under the supervision of the Ecole Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES) attached to the Laboratoire Image, Ville, Environnement de Strasbourg (LIVE) - CNRS UMR 7362.

  • Jan. 2019 - Oct. 2019 : Post-Doctoral position in the ECOSERV project "Habitat quality as a basis for the protection and conservation of aquatic/riverine biodiversity and its ecosystem services" [University of Koblenz - Landau - Germany & ENGEES-UMR 7362 CNRS LIVE].

  • 2017-2018 : Temporary Teaching and Research Associate (ATER) in biology - ecology [University of Strasbourg - Faculty of Life Sciences].

  • 2014-2017 : PhD in aquatic ecology & ecological restoration.

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching (professional bachelor's degree, master's degree, specialised master's degree, engineering course)

General ecology and hydro-ecology - theoretical and applied - restoration and ecological engineering - landscape ecology - bio-statistics (R, VBA, scientific calculation in fluid mechanics) - landscape continuity and territorial coherence - species management - debates in contemporary ecology.


Co-development and assumption of responsibility for a new in-depth course in ecology at ENGEES in 2020.

  • Audits, market studies, interviews and prospecting for the creation of new teaching units in theoretical and quantitative ecology, landscape ecology and community ecology at ENGEES.

  • Creation of teaching units: reflections in terms of scientific content and innovative teaching approaches for learning scientific ecology.

  • Organisation of conference series and study trips (field missions and visits).

  • Setting up projects in a professional context in collaboration with local partners.


PhD Students, Post-doctoral position, Engineers


  • 2014-2017: PhD thesis in aquatic ecology & restoration ecology.

  • 2010-2012: Master's degree in Plant Biology and Development, Plants and Ecological Engineering (Faculty of Life Sciences, Strasbourg) - Promotion Major.

  • 2012: University diploma in environmental law with distinction (Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg).
  • 2009-2010: 3rd degree in biology (Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Strasbourg).

Awards & Prize

  • 2019 : Dissertation Prize - awarded by ASTEE (Scientific and Technical Association for Water and the Environment)
  • 2019 : Excellence thesis prize - awarded by the University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg Research Commission.
  • 2016: 1st prize - Best oral presentation - Congress of doctoral students, Strasbourg, bringing together UMR 7516, UMR 7517 and UMR 7362.


  • 2023

18. Sexton, A., Beisel, J. N., Staentzel, C., Wolter, C., Tales, E., Belliard, J., ... & Jeliazkov, A. (2023). Inland navigation is a driver of freshwater biodiversity declines in Europe.

17. Boyer AL, Blanchon D, Schmitt L, Badariotti D, Bedell JP, Beisel JN, Chabaux F, Ferreira da Silva E, Huneau F, Imfeld G, O'Neill BF, Pasqualini V, Radakovitch O, Staentzel C,

Le Tourneau FM (2023). The social connectivity of subsurface flows: Towards a better integration of the vertical dimension in socio-hydrosystem studies. WIREs Water.

16. Staentzel, C., Schlumberger, O., Barillier, A., Valentini, A., Boyer, F., & Beisel, J. N. (2023). Trophic impact of Neogobius melanostomus in a restored site on the Old Rhine River (France). Aquatic Sciences, 85(2), 46.

  • 2022

15. Chardon, V., Herrault, P. A., Staentzel, C., Skupinski, G., Finance, O., Wantzen, K. M., & Schmitt, L. (2022). Using transition matrices to assess the spatio‐temporal land cover and ecotone changes in fluvial landscapes from historical planimetric data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(11), 2647-2659.

  • 2021

14.Beisel, J. N., Staentzel, C., Skupinski, G., Walch, A., Pons, M., Weber, S., ... & Huber, A. (2021). Evolution of relict floodplain forest in river stretches of Western and Central Europe as affected by river infrastructure networks. Plos one, 16(9), e0257593.

13.Chardon, V., Poterek, Q., & Staentzel, C. (2021). Biases in morphological landscape features: challenges for environmental purposes in GIScience and related fields. Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography.

12. Hardion, L., Chanez, E., Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Beisel, J. N., Prieto, A. E., ... & Grac, C. (2021). An infraspecific dimension of bioindication? Comparison between genotypes and ecological distribution of Potamogeton coloratus. Aquatic Botany, 171, 103373.

  • 2020

11. Chardon, V., Schmitt, L., Piégay, H., Beisel, J. N., Staentzel, C., Barillier, A., & Clutier, A. (2020). Effects of Transverse Groynes on Meso-Habitat Suitability for Native Fish Species on a Regulated By-Passed Large River: A Case Study along the Rhine River. Water, 12(4), 987. DOI: 10.3390/w12040987

10. Staentzel, C., Kondolf, G. M., Schmitt, L., Combroux, I., Barillier, A., & Beisel, J. N. (2020). Restoring fluvial forms and processes by gravel augmentation or bank erosion below dams: A systematic review of ecological responses. Science of The Total Environment (STOTEN), 706, 135743.DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135743

9. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Barillier, A., & Beisel, J.N. (2020). L’étude temporelle des transitions paysagères et de l’hétérogénéité dans la mosaïque d’habitats comme outil d’évaluation des opérations de restauration écologique ? Retours d’expériences et analyse comparative. Techniques, Sciences, Méthodes TSM 5, 15-29. DOI: 10.36904/tsm/202005015

8. Staentzel, C., Rouifed, S., Beisel, J.N., Hardion, L., Poulin, N. & Combroux, I. (2020). Ecological implications of the replacement of native plant species in riparian systems: unexpected effects of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. leaf litter. Biological Invasions, 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s10530-020-02231-7

  • 2019

7. Perrier, A., Hardion, L., Rozan, A., Staentzel, C., & Combroux, I. (2019). Miscanthus x giganteus crop fields hide a genotype of the invasive M. sacchariflorus. Weed Research, 59(6), 446-457. DOI: 10.1111/wre.12382

6. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Barillier, A., Grac, C., Chanez, E., & Beisel, J. N. (2019). Effects of a river restoration project along the Old Rhine River (France-Germany): Response of macroinvertebrate communities. Ecological Engineering, 127, 114-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.10.024

  • 2018

5. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Barillier, A., Schmitt, L., Chardon, V., Garnier, A., & Beisel, J. N. (2018). Réponses des communautés biologiques à des actions de restauration de grands fleuves (Vieux Rhin, France). La Houille Blanche, (2), 99-106. DOI: 10.1051/lhb/2018024

4. Staentzel, C., Beisel, J. N., Gallet, S., Hardion, L., Barillier, A., & Combroux, I. (2018). A multiscale assessment protocol to quantify effects of restoration works on alluvial vegetation communities. Ecological Indicators, 90, 643-652. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2018.03.050

3. Schlumberger, O., Staentzel, C. & Beisel, J.N. (2018). Les gobies, des poisons envahisseurs dans le Rhin. Le Courrier de la Nature. 308.

2. David, G. M., Staentzel, C., Schlumberger, O., Perrot-Minnot, M. J., Beisel, J. N., & Hardion, L. (2018). A minimalist macroparasite diversity in the round goby of the Upper Rhine reduced to an exotic acanthocephalan lineage. Parasitology, 145(8), 1020-1026. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182017002177

1. Staentzel, C., Arnaud, F., Combroux, I., Schmitt, L., Trémolières, M., Grac, C., ... & Beisel, J. N. (2018). How do instream flow increase and gravel augmentation impact biological communities in large rivers: A case study on the Upper Rhine River. River Research and Applications, 34(2), 153-164. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3237


1. Schmitt, L., Beisel, J.-N., Preusser, F., De Jong, C., Wantzen, K.M., Chardon, V., Staentzel, C., Eschbach, D., Damm, C., Rixhon, G., Salomon, F., Glaser, R., Himmelsbach, I., Meinard, Y., Dumont, S., Hardion, L., Houssier, J., Rambeau, C., Chapkanski, S., Brackhane, S., 2019. Sustainable Management of the Upper Rhine River and Its Alluvial Plain: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research in France and Germany, in: Sustainability Research in the Upper Rhine Region : Concepts and Case Studies, Etudes Alsaciennes et Rhénanes. Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, pp. 201–226.

International communications (oral, poster <2020)

12. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Barillier, A. & Beisel, J.N. (2019). Do biological invasions mask the effects of ecological restoration? A case study on the Old Rhine River (France-Germany). ICAIS Montréal. 21st international conference on Aquatic Invasive Species.

 11. Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I. (2019). What do we learn from transition matrix modeling applied to river science? ISRS 2019 Vienne – 6th Biennal Symposium of the International Society for River Science. Présentation orale.

 10. Staentzel, C., Chanez, E., Dumont, S., Grac, C., Hardion, L., Beisel, J.N. (2019). Improving habitat quality through restoration: a key for the protection of aquatic biodiversity and its related ecosystem services. ISRS 2019 Vienne – 6th Biennal Symposium of the International Society for River Science. Poster.

 9. Combroux, I., Staentzel, C., & Hoang Oanh, Thai Thi. Merging studies in allelopathy, phenology and community transfer to enhance community biotic resistance: plant engineering as a control method of invasive plants. International Conference on Ecological Sciences « SFEcologie 2018 » Rennes, France. 2018. Présentation orale.

 8. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I.,Barillier, A., Grac, C., & Beisel, J.N. Controlled bank erosion and implementation of transverse artificial groynes: responses of biological communities (Upper Rhine, France). IS RIVERS 2018, Lyon, France. 2018. Poster.

 7. Huber, A., Pons, M., Beisel, J.N., Walch, A., Staentzel, C., Granier, C., & Weber, S. Coevolution of interconnected river infrastructures and biodiversity (INTERCONNECT). IS RIVERS 2018, Lyon, France. 2018. Poster.

 6. Staentzel, C., Rouifed, S., Beisel, J.N., & Combroux, I. Effects of invasive riparian species Reynoutria japonica litters on local plant communities. NEOBIOTA 2018, Dublin, Irlande. 2018. Poster.

 5. Beisel, J.N. & Staentzel, C. Feeding habits of invasive gobies in a restored section of the Upper Rhine: potential consequences on macroinvertebrates. NEOBIOTA 2018, Dublin, Irlande. 2018. Poster.

 4. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Schmitt, L., Barillier, A., Chardon, V., & Beisel, J.N. Ecosystem dynamics in a context of ecological restoration by bank erosion control and artificial groynes in the Upper Rhine River. 10 Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences (SEFS), Olomouc, République Tchèque. 2017. Présentation orale.

 3. Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I., Arnaud, F., Grac, C., Trémolières, M., Schmitt, L., Piégay, H., & Barillier, A. Impacts of sediment recharges into the Upper Rhine river downstream of the Kembs diversion dam: ecological monitoring of plants and macroinvertebrates. HYDROES 2016, Grenoble, France. 2016. Présentation orale.

 2. Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Durand, P., Combroux, I., Trémolières, M., & Barillier, A. Feedback of a bank controlled erosion project in the Old Rhine: monitoring of macroinvertebrates, fish and aquatic and riparian plants. IS RIVERS 2015, Lyon, France. 2015. Présentation orale.

 1. Arnaud, F., Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Piégay, H., Grac, C., Trémolières, M., Combroux, I., Schmitt, L., Barillier, A., & Garnier, A. Geomorphic and ecological monitoring of an experimental sediment reintroduction into the Rhine River downstream of the Kembs dam. IS RIVERS 2015, Lyon, France. 2015. Présentation orale en double voix avec Fanny Arnaud.

 National communications (oral, poster <2020)

 8. Chardon, V., Schmitt, L., Piégay, H., Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I., Barillier, A. & Clutier, A. (2019). Retour d'expérience interdisciplinaire de recharges sédimentaires sur un tronçon court-circuité : le Vieux Rhin (France/Allemagne). Rencontres SHF – Changement global et morphodynamique des rivières, des bassins versants à la mer.

7. Barillier, A., Staentzel, C., & Beisel, J.N. (2019). Quelle limitation de l'atteinte des objectifs environnementaux de la restauration écologique du Vieux Rhin (ou du Petit Rhin) lié à l'invasion par les gobies à tache noire ? Journées d’échanges techniques FNPN – « Milieux & espèces : continuité, connaissance et gestion ». Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle – Paris.

6. Staentzel, C., Schmitt L., Beisel J.N., Combroux I., Eschbach D., Grac C., Hardion L., Salomon F., Dumont S., Preusser F., Chardon V., Chanez E., Rambeau C., Damm C. (2019). L’interdisciplinarité pour l’étude environnementale transfrontalière d’un grand fleuve européen, le Rhin Supérieur. Colloque interdisciplinaire « Environnement(s) »

5. Chardon, V., Schmitt, L., Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Serouilou, J., Houssier, J., Piégay, H., Clutier, A., Barillier, A., & Merckling, L. Geomorphic impacts of restoration actions of the Old Rhine River downstream Basel and insight of ecological benefits. Colloque REX, 2017, Strasbourg, France. Présentation orale.

 4. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Trémolières, M., Schmitt, L., Barillier, A., & Beisel, J.N. Global study of ecosystem dynamics in a context of ecological restoration by sediment recharges and bank erosion in the Upper Rhine River. Congrès des doctorants, Strasbourg, France. 2016. 1er prix « Best oral presentation award ». Présentation orale.

 3. Staentzel, C., Combroux, I., Barillier, A., & Beisel, J.N. Espèces invasives et restauration : Cas du Rhin Supérieur. GdR « Invasions biologiques » Marseille, France. 2016. Présentation orale.

 2. Beisel, J.N., Staentzel, C., & Barillier, A. La restauration d’un tronçon du Rhin Supérieur : quelles réponses du compartiment des invertébrés ? 4ème Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie (JILO), Saint Malo, France. 2016. Présentation orale.

 1. Combroux, I., Staentzel, C., & Perrier, A. L’Allélopathie comme outil de restauration dans le Rhin supérieur. AGéBio, Génie végétal et ingénierie végétale : compétences, réglementation et bénéfices. 2015. Présentation orale.


  • Invited seminars and oral presentations (over 30) - Transfers to local players
  • Contract reports
    • Beisel, J.N., & Staentzel, C. Analyse et évolution de la biodiversité aquatique de quatre Réserves Naturelles Nationales rhénanes gérées par le Conservatoire des Sites Alsaciens (CSA).2018. 47 pages.

    • Staentzel, C., Walch, A. & Beisel, J.N. Fonctionnalités écologiques et territoriales des infrastructures linéaires de transport de leurs emprises. Projet INTERCONNECT – Rapport du lot 1. 2018. 37 pages.

    • Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I., Grac, C., & Trémolières, M. Rapport final (2014 à 2017) du suivi écologique du site d’érosion maîtrisée (Ottmarsheim – O3). 2018. 69 pages.

    • Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I., Grac, C., & Trémolières, M. État écologique final post-restauration du lit et des berges du Vieux Rhin du secteur Kembs après injection sédimentaire. Suivi de la macrofaune benthique, de la végétation riveraine et aquatique. 2015. 75 pages.

    • Staentzel, C., Beisel, J.N., Combroux, I., Schmitt, L., Grac, C., & Trémolières, M. Etat initial du lit et des berges du Vieux Rhin du secteur Ottmarsheim après les travaux d’érosion maîtrisée : Suivi de la macrofaune benthique, de la végétation riveraine et aquatique. 2014. 78 pages.

    • Schmitt, L., Hubeny, A., Skupinski, G., Eschbach, D., Bruckmann, F., Ouellet, M., & Staentzel, C. Etude géomorphologique du Vieux-Rhin. Site d’érosion maîtrisée O3. Suivi des traceurs (pit-tags) du charriage et de la granulométrie. 2013 - 2014. 30 pages.

    • Combroux, I. & Staentzel, C. Suivi de la dynamique de colonisation de la végétation dans le cadre des aménagements de la zone du Woerr à Lauterbourg 2012-2013. 2013. 43 pages.

  • Commitments
  • Participation in film shoots and broadcasts (selection)Balade sonore, ECOSERV projet

  • Supervision of scientific activities for the general public: Cordées de la réussite, Fête de la science (participation & organisation for ENGEES in 2021), scientific events and walks (creating a herbarium, recognising flora and fauna, fishing for fish, etc.).

  • Press articles:Article Centre EEE 2020, DNA 2023


  • Maîtrise parlée et écrite de l’anglais ;

  • Apprentissage de l’allemand ;