Professeur des universités (Dr.rer.nat., HDR)

Laboratoire image ville environnement +33 3 68 85 09 48 |
Laboratoire image ville environnement +33 3 68 85 09 48 |
Régions : montagne (Alpes, Rocheuses, Haut Atlas, Anatolie), moyenne montagne (Vosges, Harz), semi-arides (Méditerrané), arctique (Groenland)
Programmes de Recherche :
Enseignement Supérieur :
Période | Programme | Fonction | Montant (€) |
Université de Strasbourg, LIVE | |||
2018-21 | Contrat Doctoral Région Grand Est/Unistra | Coordinatrice | 100,000 |
2016-17 | Contrat Postdoc Université de Strasbourg IDEX | Coordinatrice | 48,000 |
Université de Savoie, Institut de la Montagne | |||
2008 - 10 | Interreg Espace Alpin Alp-Water-Scarce, Stratégies de gestion de l’eau contre la pénurie d’eau dans les Alpes avec 17 partenaires dans 5 pays | Coordinatrice | 3,9 Mill. |
2008 - 10 | Interreg Espace Alpin ClimAlpTour, Impacts du changement climatique sur le tourisme dans l’espace alpin avec 16 partenaires dans 5 pays | Coordinatrice de groupe de travail | 240,000 |
2009 | 7ème PCRD ICT-ENSURE | Sous-traitante | 10,000 |
2009 | EEA, (Agence Européenne de l’Environ) Impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau des Alpes (Euros) | Sous-traitante | 10,000 |
2008 | EUFAR, SEASALT (Signatures of evaporation of artificial snow in the lower troposphere) | Participation | 2,000 |
2007 | MESR Nr. 07A 7 Climate Change Impacts on Snow- and Ice-derived Water Resources and Adaptation Strategies in Mediterranean Mountain Regions” avec 29 partenaires dans 13 pays | Coordination et préparation d’un projet | 15,000 |
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut des Sciences Géographiques | |||
1996-2002 | DBU (Deutsche Bundestiftung Umwelt) Etudes régionales sur le cycle d’eau et spécifiquement sur l’évaporation dans le bassin versant du Rhin, la vallée du Dischma et le Davos | Coordinatrice | 10,000 |
2000 | FU Berlin Projet pilote « Evaporation régional en montagne » | Coordinatrice | 5,000 |
1995 | FU Berlin Projet pilote « VERDI » (Evaporation dans la vallée de Dischma) | Coordinatrice | 5,000 |
depuis 2015 | Professeure des Universités, Faculté de géographie et d’aménagement, Université de Strasbourg. |
2006 - 2015 | Professeure des Universités,Pôle Montagne, CISM, Université de Savoie. |
2007 - 2009 | Directrice,UMS CNRS 3046 Montagne, Université de Savoie. |
2006 - 2009 | Directrice scientifique,Institut de la Montagne, Université de Savoie. |
2002 - 2006 | Enseignante – Chercheuse / Responsable du sous-projet hydrologie, GLOWA-IMPETUS (BMBF), Institut de Géographie, Université de Bonn, Allemagne. |
2000 - 2002 | Enseignante : Institut de Géo-écologie, Université de Potsdam, Allemagne. |
1998 - 2002 | Chercheuse / Responsable de programme de recherche: Bourse pour l’Habilitationde la DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt = Fondation fédérale Allemande pour l’Environnement). Institut des Sciences Géographiques, FU Berlin (Université libre de Berlin),Allemagne. |
1995 | Chercheuse : Bourse post-doctorat, DFG (Conseil Allemand de la Recherche) WSL (Institut fédéral suisse de recherche sur la Forêt, la Neige et le Paysage),Birmensdorf, Suisse. |
1994 | Chercheuse : Bourse post-doctorat, DFG (Conseil Allemand de la Recherche) Institut de Géographie, ETH Zürich, Suisse. |
1994 | Chercheuse associée, PIK (Institut de Recherche sur l’Impact du Climat) : Potsdam, Allemagne. |
1991 - 1993 | Chercheuse : Bourse pour le doctorat, (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes), Institut des Sciences Géographiques, FU Berlin, Allemagne. |
1989 - 1990 | Assistante de recherche invitée honoraire. Institut de Géographie, Université d’Aberdeen, Écosse. |
2014 | Institut of Advanced Sciences, Université Technique de Munich (TUM, Allemagne) |
depuis 2012 | Institut of ‘Architecture and Planning, Université de Liechtenstein. |
2005, 2006 | Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement, Université de Strasbourg. |
Au niveau international
Depuis 2014 | Rédactrice adjointe, Interdisciplinary Climate Studies - Frontiers in Environmental Sciences (Nature Publishing Group) |
Depuis 2016 | Membre du comité scientifique, Espace Géographique et Société Marocaine |
2015 | Membre du comité d’évaluation. Gestion des ressources en eaux et adaptation aux changements climatiques, UNFCC, Nairobi Work Programme, COP21, Paris. |
2011 - 2013 | Co-présidente pour l’Europe, Gordon Research Conferences, Catchment Sciences, Interactions between hydrology, biologie and geochemistry. USA. |
2011 - 2014 | Membre du comité de pilotage, European Dialogue Platform on adaptation to climate change and the water and energy nexus, European Water Partnership, Bruxelles |
2007 - 2009 | Présidente de la Section Cryosphère de l’EGU (Union Européenne des Géosciences). |
Au niveau national
depuis-2017 | Correspondante Relations Internationales pour la faculté de géographie et d'aménagement, Univ. de Strasbourg |
depuis-2015 | Membre du comité de sélection pour le recrutement de professeurs à la faculté de géographie et d’aménagement, Univ. de Strasbourg |
depuis 2015 | Membre du groupe de travail Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbain / EMS |
2011-2013 | Membre du conseil d’UFR CISM (Centre Interdisciplinaire Scientifique de la Montagne), Université de Savoie |
2007-2009 | Directrice de l’UMS CNRS 3046 Montagne à l’Institut de la Montagne, Université de Savoie |
2006-2009 | Directrice scientifique, Institut de la Montagne, Université de Savoie |
Université de Strasbourg
UFR Géographie et d’Aménagement depuis 2015
Niveau | UE | Mention |
L1 | Géomorphologie | Géographie |
L2 | Hydrologie régionale | Géographie |
L2 | Normalité et extrêmes (système risque) | Géographie |
L3 | Hydrologie (dynamique fluviale) | Géographie |
L3 | Hydro-climatologie | Géographie |
M1 | Dynamique du cycle de l’eau dans le bassin-versant | GE1 |
M1 | Risques hydrologiques | GE1 |
M1 | Acteurs de l'Environnement | GE1 |
M1 | European Cities of Tomorrow | UA |
M1 | Europäische Städte von Morgen | UA |
M2 | Responsible Management Case Studies | UA |
M2 | Integrated Water Management | GE |
M2 | Anglais disciplinaire | GE/OTG2 |
GE = Géographie Environnementale
OTG = Observation de la Terre et Géomatique
UA = Urbanisme et Aménagement
2005 - 2006
Niveau | UE |
M1 | Ruptures et discontinuités en géomorphologie |
M1 | Position épistémologique de la géographie parmi les autres sciences |
Direction de Thèse
Encadrement de Post-Doctorat
Niveau Doctorat
Niveau Master
Université de Strasbourg- Faculté de Géographie et d’Aménagement
Master 2
Master 1
ENGEES / Université de Strasbourg
Université de de la Montagne, Edolo (Italie)
Strate College of Industrial Design, Paris
Université de Savoie
Niveau Licence
Reinboth, Ch. Die Zukunft der künstlichen Beschneiung in Mitteleuropa: Konzeptionierung eines Decision Support Systems. Co-director Master’s thesis.
Vidéo :
Université de Bristol, Université de Leeds, Royaume-Uni
Université d’Osnabrück, Université de Passau, Ecole des Sciences Appliqués Mittweida, TU Dortmund (Université Technique de Dortmund), Allemagne
2017 | Best Paper Award au Workshop The Future of Winter Tourism, Universitö de Laponie, Rovaniemi, Finlande |
2011 | Bourse de la German Scholars Organisation pour „Building Bridges – Chercheurs d’excellence et recherche d’excellence pour l’Allemagne“, Berlin. 100 chercheurs allemands travaillant à l’étranger sélectionnés. |
1996 | Bourse d’habilitation de la Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) |
1994 | Bourse post-doctorat de la Fédération Allemande de la Recherche (DFG) |
1994 | Prix "Lausanne" de l’AIHS-IAHS (5000 FrS) pour le doctorat, dans les domaines de la géologie appliquée, de l'hydrologie et de l'hydrogéologie. |
1991 | Bourse de thèse doctorale de la Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. |
1986 | Prix de géographie, Dover College (lycée), Sixth Form Geography Price. |
2016 | (Eds) Amatya, D., Williams, T., Bren, L. et de Jong, C. Forest Hydrology, Processes, Management and Assessment, CABI, pp. 294. |
2005 | de Jong, C., Collins, D. et Ranzi, R. Climate and Hydrology in Mountain Areas. John Wiley and Sons, pp. 384. |
1995 | de Jong, C. Temporal and Spatial Interactions between Riverbed geometry, roughness, bedload transport and flow hydraulics in mountain streams: examples from Squaw Creek (Montana, USA) uad Lainbach/Schmiedlaine (Upper Bavaria, Germany). Berliner Geographische Abhandlungen. 59. ISBN. 3-88009-060-2, pp. 229 (IAH-IAHS Lausanne Prize 1994). |
2019 | Faccini, F., Luini, F., de Jong, C. et de Graff, J.V. “Geomorphological Research for Management and Mitigation of Geo-hydrological Risk and Environmental Sustainability”, Sustainability, MDPI. |
2009 | de Jong, C, Essery, R et Lawler, D. (2009) Mountain Hydroclimatology and Snow Seasonality,Hydrological Processes Vol 23 (7). p. 955 – 1103. |
2005-1 | Corripio, J. et de Jong, C. Mountain Waters: Climate and hydrological sensitivity. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 8:6, p. 1015 - 1089. |
2005-2 | de Jong, C, Whelan, F. et Messerli, B. Water balance of high mountain basins. Hydrological Processes. Vol. 19 (12), p. 2323-2449. |
2020-1 | de Jong, C. 1.4.Hochgebirge: Wassertürme für eine anwachsende Weltbevölkerung. Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel. (Eds). Lozán, J.L., Breckle, S.W., Escher-Vetter, H., Grassl, H., Kasang, D., Paul, F. & Schickhoff, U., Herassugeber: Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, pp. 8. |
2020-2 | de Jong, C. Schmilzt den Wintersportgebieten die Nachhaltigkeit weg? Jahrbuch der Marburger Geographischen Gesellschaft, pp. 6 |
2019 | Schmitt, L., Beisel, J-N., Preusser, F., de Jong, C., Wantzen, K.M., Chardon, V., Staentzel, C., Eschbach, D., Damm, Ch., Rixhon, G., Salomon, F., Glaser, R., Himmelsbach, I., Meinhard, Y., Dumont, S., Hardion, L., Houssier, J., Rambeau, C., Chapkanski, S. et Brackhane, S. Sustainable Management of the Upper Rhine River and Its Alluvial Plain: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research in France and Germany, Sustainability Research in the Upper Rhine Region. Concepts and Case Studies, (eds) Hamman, Ph. et Vuilleumier, S.), Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, p. 201-226. |
2018 | de Jong, C. and Raus, M. A Citizen Observatory to improve early warning of floods of the Gander in Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg, Proceedings, 2nd International Conference on Citizen Observatories for Natural Hazards and Water Management, Venice, 27-30 November 2018, p. 184-187. |
2016-1 | de Jong, C. European perspectives on forest hydrology. (Eds) Amatya, D., Williams, T., Bren, L. et de Jong, C. Forest Hydrology: Processes, Management and Assessment CABI, p. 69 – 87. |
2016-2 | Williams, T.M., Amatya, D.M., Bren, L., de Jong, C. et Nettles, J.E. Future Directions in Forest Hydrology. (Eds) Amatya, D., Williams, T., Bren, L. et de Jong, C. Forest Hydrology: Processes, Management and Assessment, CABI, p. 270 – 279 |
2016-3 | de Jong, C. Water Struggles in Lusatia (Wasserkämpfe in der Lausitz). (Eds): Droege, P et Radzi, A. Lusatia in Transition – Visions for a region (Lausitz im Wandel – Visionen einer Region), p. 10 – 11. University of Liechtenstein. |
2016-4 | Ergenzinger, P. et de Jong, C. Responsible management of alpine rivers: The Arly basin / Savoie, France. Wieprecht, S. Haun, S. Weber, K., Noack, M., Terheiden, K. River Sedimentation: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, pp. 8. |
2014-1 | de Jong, C., Previtali, F., Carletti, G. Challenges in Assessing and Managing Geo-hydrological Risk related to Natural and Anthropogenic Pressures in Alpine Ski Resorts. Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, (Eds) Lollino, G., Manconi, A, Clague, J., Shan, Chiarle, M., Vol. 5, IAEG XII CONGRESS, Torino, Springer, p. 781 -785. |
2014-2 | de Jong, C., Carletti, G et Previtali, F., Assessing Impacts of Climate Change, Ski Slope, Snow and Hydraulic Engineering on Slope Stability in Ski Resorts in the French and Italian Alps, Engineering Geology for Society and Territory, (Eds) Lollino, G., Manconi, A, Clague, J., Shan, W. et Chiarle, M., Vol. 1 IAEG XII CONGRESS, Torino, Springer, p. 51 – 57. |
2014-3 | de Jong, C., A White Decay of Winter Tourism. Climate Change Adaptation Manual. Lessons learned from European and other industrialized countries, (Eds) Prutsch, A., McCallum, S., rothmann, T., Swart, R. et Schauser, I. Routledge, p. 226 – 233. |
2013-1 | Whitfield, P.H., R.D. Moore, K. Shook, C. Spence, S. Boon, R. Woods, C. de Jong, T. Link, D. Garen, J. Kiang, D.A. Hughes, I.G. Littlewood, J. McPhee, et A. Gupta. (2013). Summary and Synthesis of Workshop Breakout Group Discussions. In: Putting Prediction in Ungauged Basins into Practice. eds. J.W. Pomeroy, P.H. Whitfield et C. Spence. Canadian Water Resources Association. 271-304. |
2012-1 | de Jong, C., Gurer, I., Rimmer, A., Shaban, A. et Williams, M. (2012) Climate and Hydrology. Ch. 5, Mediterranean Mountain Environments. (ed. Vogiatzakis, I), J. Wiley and Sons, p. 87 – 113. |
2011-1 | de Jong, C. (2011) Artificial Production of Snow (première création de cette section après mes travaux), Encyclopédie de la neige, la glace et les glaciers (Eds. Haritashya, U.K. Singh, P. et Singh, V.P). Earth Sciences Series, Springer, p. 61 – 66. |
2008-1 | de Jong, C. Savoy – balancing water demand and water supply under increasing climate change pressures (France). Regional Climate Change and Adaptation. The Alps facing the challenge of changing water resources. Report N. 8, ISSN 1725-9177. Copenhagen. European Environmental Agency (EEA), p. 81 – 84. |
2008-2 | de Jong C, Masure P., et T. Barth. Challenges of alpine catchment management under changing climatic and anthropogenic pressures. iEMSs 2008: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making, 4th Biennial Meeting of iEMSs, M. Sànchez-Marrè, J. Béjar, J. Comas, A. Rizzoli et G. Guariso (Eds.), International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs), p.694- 702. |
2007-1 | de Jong, C. Impounded rivers: aridification and geomorphological risks. Reducing the Vulnerability of Societies to Water Related Risks at the Basin Scale. Proceedings of the third International Symposium on Integrated water Resources Management, Bochum, Germany, September 2006. IAHS Publ. 317, 2007, p. 123-129. |
2006-1 | de Jong, C., Makroum, K. et Leavesley, G. Developing an oasis-based irrigation management tool for a large semi-arid mountainous catchment in Morocco. Bridging the gaps between design and use: developing appropriate tools for environmental management and policy. (Eds) Voinov, A.. Transactions of the 3nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, IEMSS, Burlington, USA. |
2005-1 | de Jong, C., Machauer, R., Leavesley, G., Cappy, S. Poete, P., et Schulz, O. Integrated hydrological modelling concepts for a peripheral mountainous semi-arid basin in southern Morocco. EU proceedings. "Geomatics for Land and Water management: achievements and challenges in the Euromed context". (Eds) Paracchini, M.L. & Escadafal,R. |
2005-2 | de Jong, C., Mundelius, M., Migala, K. Comparison of evapotranspiration and condensation measurements between the Giant Mountains and the Alps. (Eds.) de Jong, C., Collins, D and Ranzi, R. Climate and Hydrology in Mountain Areas. J. Wiley & Sons. p. 161 - 184. |
2005-3 | de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P., Borufka, M, Dresen, M. Köcher, A. Geomorphological zoning: an improvement to coupling hydrology and meteorology? (Eds.) de Jong, C., Collins, D et Ranzi, R. Climate and Hydrology in Mountain Areas. J. Wiley and Sons. p. 247 - 260. |
2004-1 | de Jong, C. Machauer, C., Reichert, B., Cappy, S, Viger, R., Leavesley, G, An integrated geomorphological and hydrogeological MMS modeling framework for a semi- arid mountain basin in the High Atlas, southern Morocco. Pahl-Wöstl, C., Schmidt, S., Rizzoli, A.E. et Jakeman, A.J.(eds), Complexity and Integrated Resources Management, Trans. of the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, iEMSs: Manno, Switzerland, ISBN 88-900787-1-5, p. 736- 741. |
2004-2 | Ergenzinger, P., de Jong, C. Perspectives on bedload measurement. Erosion and Sediment Transport Measurement: Technological and Methodological Advances, In J.Bogen, Fergus, T.& Walling, D. (eds). International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication. 283, p. 113-126. |
1998-1 | de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P., Dynamic roughness, sediment transport and flow structures in a mountain stream. P.C. Klingeman, R.L. Beschta, P.D. Komar, J.B. Bradley (Eds), Gravel-bed Rivers in the Environment. Water Resources Publications, Colorado, pp. 39-60. |
1996-1 | Ergenzinger, P., de Jong, C. Linking hydraulics, bedload transport and river bed adjustment with the conceptual FAST model. Coherent flow structures in open channels. P. J. Ashworth, S. J. Bennett, J. L. Best et S. J. McLelland. Chichester, John Wiley and Sons: 655-680. |
1996-2 | de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P. Spatial variations of daily evaporation rates in a high alpine valley. Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas, (eds). Chalise, S.R., Hermann, A., Lang, H., Molnar, L., Khanal, N.R.), ICIMOD Publication, Kathmandu, p. 235-243. |
1995-1 | de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P. Interrelations between mountain valley form and river bed arrangement. (Ed) O. Hickin, River Geomorphology, J. Wiley & Sons, Ch.4, p.55-91. 1994-1: Ergenzinger, P. de Jong, C, Laronne, J., Reid, I. Short term temporal variations in bedload transport rates: Squaw Creek, Montana, and Nahal Yattir, and Nahal Eschtemoa, Israel. In P. Ergenzinger & K. Schmidt (Ed.), Dynamics and Geomorphology of Mountain Rivers, Benediktbeuern: Springer Verlag, p. 252-264. |
1994-1 | Ergenzinger, P., de Jong, C., Christaller, G. Interrelationships between bedload transfer and river bed adjustment in mountain rivers. In M. Kirkby (Ed.), Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology, Leeds: J.Wiley & Sons, p.141-158. |
1994-2 | Diepenbroek, M., de Jong, C. Quantification of textural particle characteristics by image analysis - examples from active and paleo-surfaces in steep, coarse-grained mountain environments. In P. Ergenzinger & K. Schmidt (Ed.), Dynamics and Geomorphology of Mountain Rivers, Benediktbeuern: Springer Verlag, p. 301-314. |
1994-3 | de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P. Interpreting the temporal and spatial dynamics of bedload transport phases according to F.A.S.T. (Fluid And Sediment Transfer). Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport. (Ed.) Olive, L. Canberra: AIHS- IAHS Publication, V. 224, p.25-31. |
1994-4 | de Jong, C. The significance of extreme events in the development of mountain river beds. Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport. (Ed.) Olive, L, J., Loughran, R.J., & Kesby, J.A.: AIHS-IAHS Publication., p. 13-24. |
1992-1 | Ergenzinger, P., Reid, I., Laronne, J. B., de Jong, C. Short term temporal variations in the spatial pattern of bedload transport rate : Squaw Creek, Montana, USA and Nahal Yattir & Eshtemoa, Israel. In J. Bogen, (Ed.), Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programmes in River Basins. AIHS - IAHS Publication. p. 77-81. |
1992-2 | de Jong, C. Measuring changes in micro and macro roughness on mobile gravel beds. In J. Bogen, D. E. Walling, & T. Day (Ed.), Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programmes in River Basins, International AIHS-IAHS Publication, Publ. No. 210, pp. 31-40. |
1992-3 | de Jong, C. The dynamics of a catastrophic flood/multiple debris flow in the Schmiedlaine, S. Germany. In D. E. Walling, T. R. Davies, & B. Hasholt (Eds.), Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions, International Association of Hydrological Sciences Publication, Publ. No. 209, p. 237-245. |
1992-4 | de Jong, C. Discussion on: Microform roughness elements and the selective entrainment and entrapment of particles in gravel-bed rivers. In R.D. Hey, P. Billi, C.R. Thorne, P. Tacconi. (Eds.), Dynamics of Gravel Bed Rivers. Florence: J. Wiley and Sons, p. 267-272. |
2020 | Siegwald, L. et de Jong, C. Anthropogenic Impacts on Water Quality in a Small, Forested Mountain Catchment: a Case Study of the Seebächle, Black Forest, Southern Germany, Sustainability, pp. 23. |
2020 | de Jong, C. Umweltauswirkungen der Kunstschneeproduktion in den Skigebieten der Alpen, Geographische Rundschau, pp. 9. |
2018 | Faccini, F. Luino, F., Paliaga, G., Sacchini, A., Turconi, L., et de Jong, C. Role of rainfall intensity and urban sprawl in the 2014 flash flood in Genoa City, Bisagno catchment (Liguria, Italy), Applied Geography, V. 98, pp. 224-241. |
2015-1 | de Jong, C. Challenges for Mountain Hydrology in the Third Millennium. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences. Nature Publishing Group, V. 3:38, pp. 13. |
2013-1 | de Jong, C. Linking ICT and Society in Early Warning and Adaptation to Hydrological Extremes in Mountains. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 13, p. 2253 – 2270. |
2009-1 | de Jong, C. et Schoeneich, P. (2009). Évolution de l’environnement alpin, Quel environnement alpin demain ? Pour quelles activités? Spécificité et devenir, Revue de géographie alpine, Vol 96, 4. p. 65-76. |
2009-2 | de Jong, C., Lawler, D. et Essery, R. Mountain Hydroclimatology and Snow Seasonality - Perspectives on climate impacts, snow seasonality and hydrological change in mountain environments Mountain Hydroclimatology and Snow Seasonality, Numéro spécial de Hydrological Processes, Vol 23 (7), p 955-961. |
2008-1 | de Jong, C., Cappy, S., M. Finckh et Funk, D. A transdisciplinary analysis of water problems in the mountainous karst areas of Morocco, Numéro spécial, “Engineering and environmental problems in karst, Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards in Karst Areas ” (Eds) Parise, M. et De Waele, J. Engineering Geology, Vol 99, thèmes 3-4, p. 228-238. |
2005-1 | de Jong, C., Whelan, F., Messerli, B. The importance of a hydrological research framework for water balance studies in high mountain basins: Numéro spécial, Mountain Hydrology in Hydrological Processes, Vol 19:12, p. 2323-2328. |
2005-2 | de Jong, C. The contribution of condensation to the water cycle under mountain conditions. Numéro spécial, Mountain Hydrology in Hydrological Processes, Vol 19:12, p. 2419-2435. |
2005-3 | Schulz, O., de Jong, C. Snowmelt and sublimation - Field experiments and modeling in the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. Vol. 8:6, p. 1076 - 1089. |
2002-1 | de Jong, C., List, F.K., Ergenzinger, P.J Experimental hydrological analyses in the Dischma based on daily and seasonal measurements of evaporation. Nordic Hydrology. Vol. 32 (5), p. 1-14. |
2001-1 | Ergenzinger, P., de Jong, C. (), The dichotomy of actual torrent catchments: Is there an alpine disease? Intern. Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 16, p 2170-176. |
1999-1 | Batalla, R., de Jong, C., Ergenzinger, P., Sala, M., Field observations on hyperconcentrated flows in mountain torrents. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol 24, p.247-253. |
1998-1 | de Jong, C. Tracing flood flows using sedimentary indicators. Numéro spécial de Morphological Dynamics and Unsteady Sediment Transport, IRTCES, Intern. Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.12, No. 3, p. 413-421. |
1998-2 | de Jong, C., P. Ergenzinger. On the nature of temporal and spatial variations in bedload transport. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Suppl. Vol 112, p. 29-54. |
1997-1 | Ergenzinger, P., de Jong, C. River bed dynamics and bed sediment transport in mountain torrents. Numéro spécial de Morphological Dynamics and Unsteady Sediment Transport. IRTCES Intern. Journal of Sediment Research, Vol.12, No. 3, p. 80-92. |
1994-1 | de Jong, C. Using the K3 roughness coefficient for measuring the temporal and spatial variability of roughness on river beds. Intern. Journal of Sediment Research Vol 9, issue 3, Peking, IRTCES, p.57-64. |
1992-1 | de Jong, C. Thresholds for channel change on two contrasting proglacial river fans, West Greenland. Geografiska Annaler, Vol 74 A(1), p. 1-12. |
1991-1 | de Jong, C. A re-appraisal of the significance of obstacle clasts in cluster bedform dispersal. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms, Vol 16(8), p. 737-744. |
1990-1 | Russell, A. J., Aitken, J. F., de Jong, C. Observations on the drainage of an ice- Dammed lake in West Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, Vol 36 (122), p. 72-74. |
1988-1 | Russell, A. J., de Jong, C. Lake drainage mechanisms for the ice-dammed "Oberer Russellsee", Söndre Strömfjord, West Greenland. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Vol 24, issue 2 , p. 143-147. |
2021 | de Jong, C. Some thoughts on the environmental future of Geneva and its surroundings, 2020 Transition Workshop. Roadmaps for resilient decarbonizing cities. Fondation Braillard Architects. Geneva, Switzerland, p. 6 |
2017-1 | de Jong, C. and Pinto, D. Environmental impacts of artificial snow and snow grooming on ski runs in the Alps and Black Forest, 3rd International Symposium on “Physics, Chemistry and Mechanics of Snow”, Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, pp. 5. |
2017-2 | de Jong, C. Environmental Impacts of Winter Sport Resorts: Where do we go from now? The Future of Winter Tourism, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland, pp. 86-106. |
2012-1 | de Jong, C. Managing Biodiversity of Tourism and Winter Sports Resorts in an Era of Global Change 1st Winter Summit at the Anatolian Summit (WISAS), “Collaborative Projects on Tourism, Sports, Bio-Diversity and Global Changes” Conference, Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESCRUC) Atatürk University Publications, (Eds) Tüzemen, S. et Güllüce, A., C.), Erzurum, Turquie, p. 65 – 80. |
2012-2 | de Jong, C. Environmental Change and Winter Sports: Lessons learned from the Alps. 11th FISU Forum, University Sport: a Platform for Sustainable Development, Taipei City. FISU: p. 174 –181. |
2009-1 | de Jong, C. Ecological environmental change and winter sports: lessons learned from the Alps, perspectives for China. Winter Universide Sport Science Conference (ed) Feng Di, Harbin Engineering University. |
2009-2 | de Jong, C. Climate neutral land use and nutrition (food production). Pilot Study “Climate Neutral Alpine Region by 2050”, Alpine Convention and Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, p. 21. |
2009-3 | de Jong, C. Les impacts économiques du changement climatique (publié en italien), +Su (plus haut), montagnes : pour un future en altitude, conférence internationale, Turin, Italie. UNCEM Piemont Delegation, p. 61-73. |
2009-4 | de Jong, C. Ecological environmental change and winter sports: lessons learned from the Alps, prospective for China. Winter Universiade Sport Science Conference (ed. Feng D.) Harbin Engineering University, Chine, p. 19-32. |
2013-1 | de Jong, C. Aspects-clefs du développement touristique dans les montagnes de Harz (Touristische Schwerpunkte im Harz). Rapport, Parlement de Sachsen-Anhalt, Allemagne, pp. 8. |
2013-2 | de Jong, C. Opinion scientifique détaillée pour la Fédération Bavaroise pour la Protection de la Nature, le Club Alpin Allemand et l’Association pour la Protection des Montagnes, sur les aspects détaillés du rapport« Etude des impacts environnementaux de l’extension de la neige artificielle avec l’eau, de l’extension des pistes de ski et de la construction de la piste de ski Waldkopf dans la station de Sudelfeld » du 2011 par AGL, Rapport, pp. 30. |
2009-1 | de Jong, C. Climate neutral land use and nutrition (food production). Pilot Study “Climate Neutral Alpine Region by 2050”, ConventionAlpine et Ministère Bavarois de l’Environnement et Protection des Utilisateurs, pp. 21. |
2019 | 2050 – Entremonts sans eau ? ? Le P’tit Echo des Entremonts, Vol. 81, p. 13-15. |
2017 | de Jong, C. Knolle, F., Reinboth, Ch., et Wendenkampf, O. Natürlich Schierke. Eine kritische Betrachtung. Unser Harz, Vol. 11, p. 216-223. |
2017 | de Jong, C. Rettet Kunstschnee unsere Quellen ? Winter ohne Schnee Berge erleben |
2017 | de Jong, C. Künstliche Beschneiung in den französischen Alpen, invited Blog. WhatsAlp. Wien-Nice |
2017 | Coauteur de “Solstice dans le tourisme hivernal", Position CIPRA, pp. 5. |
2015 | de Jong, C. L’eau aux Entremonts, de plus en plus erratique. Le petit écho des Entremonts, V. 77, p .10-11. |
2013-1 | de Jong, C. (Über)nutzung von Wasser in den Alpen ((Sur)utilisation de l’eau dans les alpes). Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt. Vol 78/79, 2012/2013. |
2012-1 | de Jong, C., Reinboth, C et Knolle, F. Impacts du changement climatique et de la neige artificielle sur le Wurmberg et Winterberg (en Allemand), Rapport, BUND (Association pour la Protection de la Nature) Goslar, p. 20. |
2012-2 | de Jong, C. Artificial Snow and Winter Sports. Environmental Change and Winter Sports : Lessons learned from the Alps. University Sports Magazine, V. 83, p; 72 – 79. |
2012-3 | de Jong, C. Zum Management der Biodiversität von Tourismus- und Wintersportgebieten in einer Ära des globalen Wandels (La gestion de la biodiversité dans les stations d’hiver et de loisirs dans un ère du changement global), Jahrbuch des Vereins zum Schutz der Bergwelt (München), 76./77. Année 2011/2012, p. 131 – 168. |
2012-4 | de Jong, C. A behavioural Disorder, European Science and Technology, Vol 15, p. 166 – 167. |
2012-5 | de Jong, C. Impacts du changement global sur l’eau en montagne karstique. Le P’tit Echo des Entremonts, Vol. 70., p. 38. |
2012-6 | de Jong, C. et Biedler, M. Shadow of a Drought. European Science and Technology, Vol 14, p. 208- 209. |
2011-1 | de Jong, C. Gestion quantitative de l’eau et préservation des milieux aquatiques et des espèces associés. Actes du 9ème colloque rivière. Frapna, Talloires, p. 18 – 19. |
2011-2 | de Jong, C. High Times. European Science and Technology, Vol 12, p. 271- 272. |
2010-1 | de Jong, C. La production artificielle de la neige. Nature et Patrimoine, pp. 19-24. |
2010-2 | de Jong, C. Alps under Observation. Science and Technology, Vol 7, p. 166. |
2010-3 | de Jong, C. et Maurer, L. Naturally speaking. Science and Technology, Vol 5, p. 208-209. |
2009-1 | de Jong, C. A seasonal solution. Science and Technology, Vol 4, p. 234-235. |
2009-2 | de Jong, C. River Deep, Fountain High. Science and Technology, Vol 3, p. 143-145. |
2009-3 | de Jong, C. Missing Mountains. Science and Technology, Vol 3, p.1346-147. |
2009-4 | de Jong, C. What can the industry due to preserve the environment? The Appliance of Science. Environment Issues Winter Sports Technology International, Vol 1, p. 50-54. |
2009-5 | de Jong, C. ICT for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. ICT-Ensure, FP7 project, TU Graz, pp. 54. |
2008-1 | de Jong C. Resource conflicts in mountain: source and solutions, Mountain Forum Bulletin Vol. 8 (1), p. 5-7. |
2007-1 | de Jong C. Melting mountains: focus on the European Alps and beyond, Mountain Forum Bulletin Vol. 7 (2), p. 8-10. |
Date | Lieu | Organisation | Thème de la Conférence | Titre de l’intervention | |
Marburg, Allemagne | University of Marburg | Colloquium of the Marburger Geograhische Gesellschaft | Schmilzt den Wintersportgebieten die Nachhaltigkeit weg?) | ||
Heidelberg, Allemagne | University of Heidelberg | Round Table, HCE (Heidelberg Centre for the Environment). Heidelberg Bridge | Nachhaltiger Alpentourismus | ||
Orléans, France | Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, l’AFB et l’Office International de l’Eau (OIEau) | SAGE et adaptation au changement Climatique. Gestion de l’eau et démarches participatives : comment mieux intégrer les acteurs du territoire dans la démarche de SAGE ? | Les défis des sécheresses face à l’impact des changements climatiques dans un contexte de gestion de l’eau participative | ||
Orléans, France | Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire, l’AFB et l’Office International de l’Eau (OIEau) | SAGE et adaptation au changement Climatique. Gestion de l’eau et démarches participatives : comment mieux intégrer les acteurs du territoire dans la démarche de SAGE ? | Un observatoire citoyen pour améliorer l'alerte précoce des crues de la Gander à Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg | ||
2017 | Heidelberg, Allemagne | University of Heidelberg | Heidelberg Bridge, Heidelberg Centre for the Environment | The role of society in the evaluation and resilience to hydrological extreme in the Upper Rhine and beyond | |
Rovaniemi, Finlande | University of Lapland | The Future of Winter Sports | Environmental impacts of winter sport resorts: Where do we go from now? (récompensé par le the Best Paper Award) | ||
2016 |
Strasbourg |
Jeudi Recherches | What Role for Society in the Evaluation of and Resilience to Hydrological Extremes? Examples from the Upper Rhine and beyond | |
| Gross-räschen Germany | University of Liechtenstein |
Lusatia Design Studio |
Water and Geography of the Lausitz | |
Lyon | ENSA Lyon, Tohoku Univ ; Japon | Tsunami, snow avalanche and flash flood energy dissipation | Conférence plénaire (keynote): Flood Resilient and Eco-productive Urban Design along the Rhine | |
2015 | Casablanca Morocco | ESCRUC / Univ. Hassan II | 6th Annual Convention of the Eurasian Silk Road Consortium | Self-sufficiency under Limited Resources in the High Atlas Mountains and Beyond | |
2014 | Chamonix | ENSA Lyon, Tohoku Univ ; Japon | Tsunami, snow avalanche and flash flood energy dissipation | Conférence liminaire (keynote): The role of society in flood risk assessment and disaster reliance in mountains | |
Novo-sibirsk, Russia |
Role of Snow and Ice for the Nature and Humanity |
Influence of Artificial Snow on Summer and Winter Skiing under Climate and Societal Change | |
2013 | Sakhalin Russia | Russian Academy of Sciences | Physics, chemistry and mechanics of snow | Properties and impacts of artificial snow | |
| Vaduz, Liechten-stein | University of Liechtenstein | Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing | Alpine spaces: challenges for a one-planet world | |
| Vienna Austria | Austrian Institute of Economic Research | Colloquium (External) | Hydrological and financial limits of winter tourism with artificial snow in the EU | |
| Vienna Austria | University of Vienna | Earth Science Colloquium /Austrian Geological Society | Risk evaluation for extreme natural disasters as a basis for adaptation strategies to future climate change | |
| Hannover, Germany | University of Hannover | Colloquium Series Environmental Planning | Maladaptation to climate change in northern German mountains: the example of ski development and artificial snow construction at the Wurmberg, Harz National Park. | |
2012 | Braun-schweig, Germany | TU Braunschweig | Colloquium Series Department of Geoecology | Maladaptation in the high North? Ski development at the Wurmberg despite climate change | |
| Vaduz, Liechtenst. | University of Liechtenstein | Institute of Architecture and Planning | AlpCity -Mountains, Cities and the Rise of Eco-productive Regions | |
| Torfhaus, Germany | Leibniz University of Hannover & Harz National Park | Management of natural resources and recreation in parks and protected areas | Impacts of climate change on artificial snow on the Wurmberg & Winterberg / Harz | |
| Koblenz, Germany | Kisters | 25 Years of WISKI User conference 2012 | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Water-Management in Alpine Regions: Its Impact to the Society | |
| Vaduz Liechtenst. | University of Liechtenstein | Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : What are eco-productive regions? The state of the Alps as example of a shift in values | |
| Vienna, Austria | Technical University Wien | SNOW - Snow crystal development in an artificial cloud for snow manufacturing | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Available water for the winter skiing industry and future water scarcity due to climate change | |
| Leuven, Belgium | University of Leuven | Tourism and Climate Change | Alpine Tourism and Climate Change in Practice | |
| Erzurum, Turkey | Ataturk University ESCRUC | Collaborative projects on tourism, biodiversity and global change | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Managing Biodiversity of Tourism and Winter Sports Resorts in an Era of Global Change | |
2011 | Vienna, Austria | BOKU Wien, Austria | Institute für Wasserwirtschaft, Hydrologieund konstruktiver Wasserbau (IWHW) | Challenges of Hydrology and Water Management by climate change and tourism in Mountains | |
| Lewiston, USA | Gordon Research Conference | Catchment Science: Interactions of Hydrology, Biology & Geochemistry | Gambling with Nature and Climate Change: Mountains as Sentinels for the Future | |
| Canmore, Canada | IAHS | Putting PUB into practice Hydroclimate | “Temperate Forest” Breakout Groups findings on Prediction in Ungauged Basins | |
| Salzburg, Austria | University of Salzburg | Erasmus/Socrates Winter School | Water Scarcity in the Alps. Early Warning System. The idea of Alp-Water-Scarce | |
| Erzurum, Turkey | FISU | Winter Universiade Sports Science Conference | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Sustainable economic development and environmental concerns | |
2010 | Vaduz, Liechten | University of Liechtenstein | Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Space, Agriculture and Forests in the Climate Change Age: New Directions | |
| Savona, Italy | CIMA | Research Seminar | Research Priorities in Modified Mountain Regions | |
| Lausanne, Switzerl. | University of Lausanne | Colloquium | The Challenges of Geomorphology and Water Resources Management in Mountains: from Interdisciplinary to Applied Research | |
| Julich, Germany | Research Centre Julich | Colloquium | Climate Change and Tourism in Mountains | |
2009 | Brussels, Belgium | SciTech09 Europe | Innovation across Europe | The Challenge of Applied Mountain Research in Europe Today | |
| Salzburg, Austria | University of Salzburg | Geographical Kolloquium | The modern cryosphere | |
| Annecy, France | IMUS | Université de Savoie | Round table From enterprises to end-users : sustainable development in practice | |
| Harbin, China | FISU | Winter Universiade Sports Science Conference | Ecological environmental change and winter sports: lessons learned from the Alps, perspectives for China | |
2008 | Savoie Technolac | Festival de Science | Coopérations européennes | Coopérations européennes dans les alpes | |
| Mont-pellier | Commission Européene/ DIACT Leader+ | Coopération européenne et territoires ruraux | La coopération et l’adaptation au changement climatique : quelles expériences ? Quels projets avec quels programmes ? Quelles bonnes pratiques ? Quelles suites | |
2007 | Chambéry | Prefecture de la Savoie / CODERST | La neige de culture: quelle position dans le developpement durable ? | Les prélèvements de l’eau pour la neige de culture et l’hydrologie des bassins versant alpins : Status quo, objectivesn et recherches courantes | |
| Lyon | MITRA, | Region Rhone Alpes | Innovation et Tourismus 2050 + 4 C | |
| Chambéry | Savoie 2020 | Université de Savoie | Le changement climatique et la dynamique d’enneigement en Savoie | |
| Vienna Austria | EGU | Great Debate | Should we curtail the use of artificial snow? | |
| Chambéry | Université de Savoie | Café Debat | La gestion de l’eau et la neige artificielle | |
2006 | Vienna, Austria | Uni. Wien, Inst Geographie | Colloquium | The Position of Geomorphology in the field of tension Environment-Society-Risk | |
| Bonn, Germany | Univ. Bonn, Institut für Theoretische Biologie |
Colloquium |
Spatial discretisation of “ Modelling Response Units“ (MRUs) in alpine catchments | |
2005 | Strasbourg | Univ. Strasbourg, Fakulté de Géographie et aménagement |
Colloque et cours |
Les barrages dans les bassins versants : | |
| Bonn, Germany | Univ. Bonn, Mathematische-Naturwissen-schaftl. Fakultät | Conférence d‘Habilitation | Causes and Impacts of Jökulhlaups: | |
| Strasbourg, | Univ. Strasbourg, Faculté de Géographie et Aménagement |
Colloquium |
Les impacts naturels et anthropogènes sur la dynamique des ressource en eau dans le bassin versant du Drâa, Maroc | |
2004 | Bonn, Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographisches Institut | Colloquium | IMPETUS Introduction: Problem clusters and scenarios for the Drâa-catchment, Morocco | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographisches Institut | Colloquium | Les méthodes scientifiques en géographie | |
| Bonn Univ. Bonn, | Geographisches Institut | Colloquium | Floods and droughts: Water cycle and sediment transport in mountain regions | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographisches Institut | Colloquium | Un concept méthodologique pour l’hydrologie du Haut Atlas (bassin versant du Drâa) | |
2003 | Agadir Morocco | Agence régional de l‘eau | Colloquium | IMPETUS- un projet intégré pour une gestion durable et interdisciplinaire des ressources en eau en Afrique de l’Ouest | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographisches Institut | Colloquium | Hydrological Modelling in the High Atlas | |
Boulder USA | Univ. Colorado, National Snow and Ice Data Centre |
Seminar |
Modelling snow depletion in Morocco | |
2002 | Oldenburg Germany | Fakulty of Biology, Geo-environ., Univ. Oldenburg |
Faculty Colloquium |
Neglected physical-geographical aspects of integrated water management in mountains | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographisches Institut |
Colloquium |
Water Balance in the Alps: problems, concepts and models | |
| Tübingen Germany | Univ. Tübingen, Geographisches Institut |
Colloquium | Tradition and Advances in alpine Hydrologie: or how can wie push GIS to the limits! | |
| Berlin Germany | Tech. Univ. Berlin, Inst. Of Landscape and Environmental Management |
Colloquium | Perspectives on Geoinformation in Landscape and Environmental Planning | |
2000 | Konstanz Germany | Univ. Konstanz, Institut of Limnology / Biological Faculty |
Wednedsay Colloquium " Bodensee-Litoral |
Geomorphological Impacts of Dams | |
1999 | Davos Switzer-land |
SLF | International Workshop for the verification of cryosphere models |
Hydrology of the Dischma | |
| Lleida Spain | Univ. Lleida Department of Environmental Sciences |
Colloquium |
Evaportranspiration processes in an alpine valley | |
1998 | Munich Germany | Münchner Rückversicher-ungsgesellschaft | Colloquium. Committee on Mountain hazards, scientific council of the German IDNDR |
An overview of extreme events in alpine catchments | |
1992 | Berlin Germany | FUB-Gesellschaft für Erdkunde | Colloquium | Interactions between river bed and flow hydraulics in mountain streams with examples from Montana (USA) and Upper Bavaria |
2021 | Umea, Finlande | International Society of Biometeorology (ISB), The Arctic Research Centre at Umeå Univ. (ARCUM) | 6th International Conference on Climate, Tourism and Recreation | Some perspectives on the Covid19 / Winter Tourism Nexus in Austria, France and Russia (Coauthors M. Breiling, TU Wien et S. Sorkratov Moscow State Univ) | |
2020 | Prague, République Tchèque | FAO / EFC Working Party on the Management of Mountain | 30 years of Headwater Control: Forest and Water in Changing Environment and Society | Tourism policies and their impacts on water quality and quantity issues in small headwater catchments in the Black Forest, Germany | |
2019 | Strasbourg, France | SAGE Ill-Nappe-Rhin | Eau et changement climatique 10ème colloque | Les défis de la sécheresse - Références historiques | |
2019 | Strasbourg, France | Université de Strasbourg | Colloque Interdisciplinaire "Environnement(s)” | La résilience socio-hydrologique aux sécheresses | |
2018 | Venise, Italie | Eastern Alps District Basin Authority | Citizen Observatories for Natural Hazards and Water Management | A Citizen Observatory to improve early warning of floods of the Gander in Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg | |
2018 | Vienne, Autriche | EGU | HS | A Citizen Observatory to reduce the vulnerability of flood risk in the catchment of the Gander, Luxembourg | |
2018 | Vienne, Autriche | EGU | GM/NH/SSS | Implications of Water and Sediment Connectivity for Road Infrastructure in the deeply incised Alpine Arly Canyon, France | |
2017 | Ioujno-Sakhalinsk, Russie | Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Science | Physics, chemistry and mechanics of snow | Environmental impacts of artificial snow and snow grooming on ski runs in the Alps and Black Forest | |
2017 | Strasbourg, France | Université de Strasbourg | Adaptation and Resilience to Droughts: Historical Perspectives in Europe and beyond | Discours d'ouverture sur “Adaptation and Resilience to Droughts: Historical Perspectives in Europe and beyond” | |
2017 | Düsseldorf, Allemagne | Horizon2020 | Project proposal preparation | Best practice regional decarbonisation as applied to the transboundary German-Czech-Polish triangle* | |
2016 | Wilayat Quryat, Oman | Oman Water Society | Offshore Springs in the Sultanate of Oman | Responsible Management of Offshore Freshwater Springs in a One-planet world* | |
2016 | Vénice, Italie | Alto Adriatico Water Authority | Citizen Observatories for Water Management | Creating Resilient Landscapes to Floods and Droughts in the European Alps via Citizen Science Diagnostics* | |
2015 | Vaduz | Uni. Liechtenstein | Studio Mars: SPACE: Aspirations of Science, Art and Architecture |
Space Ship Earth Rediscovered* | |
| Vaduz | Uni. Liechtenstein | A SufficienCity for Lake Constance : St. Gallen 2080 | Alps in the City: | |
2014 | Düsseldorf Germany | Horizon2020 | Project proposal preparation | Rapid Regenerative Infrastructure Development* | |
| Turin, Italy | Internat. Assoc. Engineering Geologists | Geo-hydrological risk and town and country planning | Challenges in Assessing and Managing Geohydrological Risk related to Natural and Anthropogenic Pressures in Alpine Ski Resorts* | |
| Hannover, Germany | Internat.. Assoc. for Society & Natural Resources | 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management | Stakeholder Involvement in the Development of Modern Winter Tourism and Resource Protection – a comparison of the Harz Mountains and Alps | |
| Vaduz | Universität Liechtenstein | Green Summit | Perspectives on the regenerative region *
| |
| Gaillard | EELV |
| Le Changement Climatique et L’Industrie du Tourisme dans les Alpes*
| |
2013 | Vaduz, Liechten-stein | Universität Liechtenstein | Sustainable Space Summit | Alpine spaces: challenges for a one-planet world* | |
| Marseilles | IRD | Hydro-ecology in the Mediterranean | Perspectives on hydro-ecology in the Mediterranean* | |
2011 | Vienna, Austria | EGU | Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology Study | Linking ICT and Society in Early Warning and Adaptation to Hydrological Extremes in Mountains* | |
| Vienna, Austria | EGU | Drought and water scarcity: hydrological monitoring, modeling and forecasting | Water Scarcity and Droughts in Mediterranean Mountains: Regional Examples from a Global Change Perspective* | |
2010 | Zurich, Switzer. | ETH Zurich | Project workshop “Alpine Rivers” | Conservation and restoration priorities for freshwater ecosystems in the Alp* | |
| Megeve | EURO-RIOB | Adaptation measures for water impacted by climate change | Water in mountains and responsible development: from expectations to actions under climate change* | |
| Lyon | University of Lyon 2 | Colloquium | Physical Geography at the heart of environmental and interdisciplinary problems* | |
| Belluno, Italy | Alpine Space project | Alp-Water-Scarce 4th General Assembly | Water Scarcity and the development of Early Warning Systems against Water Scarcity in the Alps* | |
2009 | San Francisco, USA | AGU | “Water Supply Management and Security II”(Global Change Section) | Water Management Strategies against Water Shortage in the Alps* | |
| Ljubljana, Slovenia | Alpine Space project | Alp-Water-Scarce 2nd General Assembly | Progress on Water Management Strategies against Water Scarcity in the Alps* | |
| Berlin, Germany | EnviroInfo2009 | ICT for Sustainable use of natural resources | ICT for sustainable use of natural resources with particular reference to water resources* | |
| Mont-mellian | CIM | Steering Committee Meeting | Introduction to the ClimAlpTour project* | |
| Bonn, Germany | UNFCCC | Adaptation in Mountain Regions | Adaptation to water problems in mountains - a research issue* | |
| Grenoble | Sporaltec | Risks in Mountains | Natural risks in mountains* | |
| Vienna, Austria | Alpine Space project | Alp-Water-Scarce 1st General Assembly | Alp-Water-Scarce progress statement* | |
| Vienna, Austria | EGU | Education and Communications to Students, Government Officials and to the Public in Cryospheric Sciences | Introduction to Outreach and Education in the Cryosphere* | |
| Vienna, Austria | EGU | Mountain Hydrology and Climatology: present state and future scenarios | Alp-Water-Scarce - Water Management Strategies Against Water Scarcity in the Alps* | |
| Bolzano, Italy | CIPRA | Climate change in the Alps | Climate Change and the Alp-Water-Scarce project* | |
2008 | Turin, Italy | UNCEM Piemonte | The West Alps at the limit between evolution and change | The economic impacts of climate change* | |
| Bozen, Italy | EURAC | The impacts of climate change and adaptation in the Alps with special focus on water resources. Organised by the l’EEA | Water resources in Savoy in the face of climate change* | |
| Annecy | SILA | Official kick-off meeting of the Alp-Water-Scarce programme | Introduction to the Alpine Space Alp-Water-Scarce programme* | |
| Chambery | CG73. | Partner Meeting of Alp-Water-Scarce | The pilot sites and the consortium of the Alp-Water-Scarce Alpine Space Programme* | |
| Bolzano, Italy | EURAC | Official kick-off meeting of the ClimAlpTour Project | WP4. Präsentation der Klassifikation der touristischen Testgebiete unter Klimawandel in den Alpen * | |
| Mont-pellier | 13 World water Congress | Session on Water in Mountains | Stakeholder-driven Water Management strategies against Water Scarcity in the Alps and beyond* | |
| Davos, Switze-land | Association of Swiss hydrologists | Alpine Hydrology– Snow Hydrology | The impacts of winter sports on the water cycle in mountains* | |
| Saragosse, Spain | RIOB /EWP | Water Tribune Conference, Existing operational tools for the management of basins and aquifers |
Opportunities and limits in integrated water management in water in mountains* | |
| Barcelona, Spain | IEMSS | Integrating Sciences and Information Technology for Environmental Assessment and Decision Making |
Challenges of alpine catchment management under changing climatic and anthropogenic pressures* | |
| Vienna, Austria | EGU | CR3 Open session cryosphère (audience > 650) | Our modern Cryosphere* | |
| Marrakech, Morocco | NATO | Integrated Water Management a pre-condition for human security | Geomorphological and hydrological risks of dams* | |
2007 | Chambéry | Institut de la Montagne | UMS Montagne | Introduction à l’UMS CNRS Montagne* | |
| Innsbruck, Austria | MRI | 3rd Global change research networking meeting for European Mountains |
Interdisciplinary projects in the Atlas Mountains* | |
| Innsbruck, Austria | MRI | 3rd Global change research networking meeting for European Mountains |
Conflicts in Mountain Regions* | |
| Bonn Germany | AFAST | Contributions of the Social Sciences and the Humanities to Research on Global Environmental Change |
Challenges in mountain areas under changing climatic and human pressures* | |
| Aix les B. | Réseau Ideal | 3. Rencontre national sur l‘eau | Le changement climatique et la vulnérabilité des ressources en eau en montagne : une analyse à travers de différentes échelles* | |
| Saas Fee, Switzer-land | Valais Tourisme |
70 Ans de Vallais Tourisme |
Global warming: risks and chances for tourism* | |
| Debrecen Hungary | RIOB | 7th Global General Assembly | Integrated and transboundary Watershed Management in the Upper Rhone* | |
| Grenoble | Institut Geographie
Alpine |
100 ans de l’IGA |
The role of research and education in alpine education in the territory. which links to which synergies to create between one and the other ?* | |
| Vienna, Austria | European Geosciences Union | CR10 Open session cryosphere | Cryosphere – a CRY for our SPHERE ?* | |
| Bruxelles, Belgium | Euromontana | European Mountain Forum | Introduction to the Mountain Institute* | |
2006 | Bourget du Lac | Edytem, | Séminaire Hydrométrique | Les mesures hydrologiques –apostilles de l’hydrologie en montagne?* | |
| Megeve | Echoalp | Wasser im Gebirge | Les mesures hydrologiques –apostilles dans l’hydrologie en montagne* | |
| Bochum Germany | IAHS | 3rd International Sympoisum on Integrated Water Resources Management |
Impounded rivers: aridification and geomorphological risks* | |
| Vienna, Austria | European Geosciences Union | NH 8.01 Natural and anthropogenic hazards in karst areas | A transdisciplinary approach for flood hazards in mountainous karst areas of Morocco | |
2005 | Antalya, Turkey | NATO / CCMS | Pilot Studies for Integrated Watershed Management | Dams in river basins: hydrological and geomorphological discontinuities* | |
| Köln Germany | Univ. Köln | GLOWA 2. Status Conference Global Change in the Hydrological Cycle |
Anthropogenic and natural influences on the dynamics of reservoirs in the Drâa-basin, Morocco* | |
2004 | Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Institute of Agricultural & Plant Nutrition |
IMPETUS Plenary Workshop |
Anthropogenic and natural influences on the dynamics of reservoirs in the Drâa-basin, Morocco* | |
| Ispra Italy | JRC-EU | Geomatics for Land and Water management: achievements and challenges in the Euromed context |
Geomatics in practice for integrated hydrological modeling in a peripheral semi-arid basin in southeastern Morocco* | |
| Varska Estonia | NATO committee on "Challenges of Modern Society 3. | Workshop "Integrated Water Management | Integrated Watershed Management in the Drâa Basin, Morocco* | |
| Osnabrück Germany | IEMMS | International Conference Complexity and Integrated Resources Management | An Integrated Geomorphological and Hydrogeological MMS Modeling Framework for a Semi-Arid Mountain Basin in the High Atlas, Southern Morocco Regional Dynamic Modelling | |
| Ouarzazate Morocco | IMPETUS & ORMVAO | International Conference Integrated Water Resources Research and Management | Integrated modeling of precipitation and discharge based on geomorphological and hydrogeological response units in a semi-arid mountain basin in the south of Morocco* | |
| Nice | European Geosciences Union | CR5: Mountain Waters: climatic and hydrological sensitivity | Modeling snowmelt and sublimation in the High Atlas Mountains of Morococo | |
| Nice | European Geosciences Union | HS4: Hydrological Predictions in Ungauged Basins | PUB Working group: Drought and Flood risk - Hydrology and Sediment Transport in Mountain Catchments* | |
| Nice | European Geosciences Union | NP3.01 Scaling and Nonlinearity in the Hydrological Cycle |
Non-linearity of evapotranspiration in mountain topography* | |
| Nice | European Geosciences Union | HS 31, Integrated water resources assessment | New Approaches to Integrated Water Resources Management in Semi-arid African Catchments* | |
2003 | Thurnau Germany | Univ. Bayreuth | Change of Paradigms in Hydrological Modelling (CHOP) | Future strategies in Hydrology* | |
| London UK | Royal Geographic Society, IBG, | Glaciers, Water and Contemporary Climate Change, Mountain Research Group | Land use and water balance as indicators for hydrological change in a high alpine catchment, Switzerland* | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Institute of Geology | Jahrestreffen der Afrika Arbeitsgruppe der Deutschen Geowissenschaften | Hydrologische Modellierung im Assif-Ait-Ahmed Einzugsgebiet, Hoher Atlas, S. Marokko | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographical Institut | IMPETUS Modelling Workshop | Parameterization and hydrological modeling in the Upper Drâa catchment, Morocco | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Uni. Klubhaus | IMPETUS Final Workshop | Water availability and soil degradation in the Upper Drâa catchment, Morocco in view of food security und scenario development | |
| Bonn Germany | Univ. Bonn, Geographical Institut | IMPETUS Modelling Workshop | Parameterization and hydrological modeling in the Upper Drâa catchment, Morocco | |
| Nice | European Geophysical Society | Session HS21, Spatial analysis, landscape discretisation and catchment classification for hydrological modelling | Landscape descretisation using two complementary HRU approaches for tracking discharge and evaporation in mountain basins | |
| Nice | European Geophysical Society | Session CR5, Eco-hydrological and meteorological coupling in mountain areas | Interactions between evapotranspiration and condensation within the alpine pasture and shrub zone | |
| Einsiedeln Switzerland | WSL | International Workshop on Mountain Hydrology, Past lessons and future challenges in mountain hydrology | Evaporation and condensation dynamics within the alpine pasture and shrub zone | |
2002 | Berlin Germany | Federal Minister and the German Environmental Foundation |
Environmental Week |
Participation in discussion on water problems* | |
| Nice | European Geophysical Society | HSA4.02, Hydrological and meteorological coupling in mountain areas | Comparative measurements of condensation and evaporation in the alpine regions of the Giant Mountains, Poland and the Dischma, E. Switzerland | |
| Berlin Germany | Hydrology Working Group | Hydrologie im internationalen Jahr der Gebirge:von den Bergen…in die Auen | The importance of condensation for the water balance under high alpine conditions | |
| Belfast Irland | RGS/IBG Annual Conference | Mountain GeoInformation: Practice and Prospects of Mountain Research Group. | Contrasting GIS approaches for defining Hydrological Response Units for water balance and evapotranspiration in an alpine basin | |
| Belfast Ireland | RGS/IBG Annual Conference | Mountain Geomorphology and Environmental Change. British Geomorphological Research Group |
Scenarios of geomorphological and hydrological change in high alpine basins | |
| St. Moritz Switzerland | BAHC (Biosphere and Hydrological Cycle) Symposium | CHESMO (International Initiative for Integrative Research on Climate Hydrology Eco-Systems Interrelations in Mountainous Regions) |
Participation in the discussion | |
2001 | Trier Germany
| AK Hydrologie | Annual Meeting | Assessing evapotranspiration in a high mountain basin on the basis of hydrological response units units“) | |
| Nice | European Geophysical Society | HSA5.02, Hydrology of surface processes: Water balance of high mountain basins | Assessing evapotranspiration in a high mountain basin on the basis of hydrological response units | |
| New York USA | Association of American Geographers | Mountains II. Interactions of Earth, Atmosphere and Biota | Dynamics of evaporation and transpiration in the high alpine tundra - an example from the Dischma valley, Switzerland | |
2000 | St. Marienthal Germany | German Environmental Foundation | 6. International Summer-Akademie on Water in the 21. century -Perspectives, Fields of Action, Strategies. |
Discussion on problems of dams in the Working Group: Surface Water* | |
2000 | St. Marienthal Germany | Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt | 3. Seminar | Regional Investigation of water balance and in particular evaporation in the alpine catchment of the Rhine: Dischma valley/Davos* | |
| Nice | European Geophysical Society | Water balance components of high mountain basins | Hydrological analyses in the Dischma based on daily and seasonal measurements of evaporation | |
1999 | Benedik-tbeuern, Germany | Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt | 2. Seminar | Regional Investigation of water balance and in particular evaporation in the alpine catchment of the Rhein: Dischma valley/Davos* | |
1998 | Charlotte-town Prince Edward Islands Canada | 46th. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society | Benthological relevance of hydraulics across different scales |
Scales of river bed roughness and hydraulics in the Lainbach River, Upper Bavaria* | |
1998 | Insel Vilm Germany | Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt | 1. Seminar | Regional Investigation of water balance and in particular evaporation in the alpine catchment of the Rhien: Dischma valley/Davos* | |
1997 | Göttingen Germany | AK Hochgebirgs-ökologie | Mountain Climatology | VERDI’s High Mountain Evaporation – temporal and spatial variations | |
| Wuhan China | GESINUS (GErman Sino Unsteady Sediment Research Group) | Morphological Dynamics |
Tracing flood flows using sedimentary indicators* | |
1996 | Kathmandu Nepal | ICIMOD IAHS, UNESCO, WMO, IGBP | Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas | Spatial variations of daily evaporation rates in a high alpine valley | |
1996 | Kath-mandu Nepal | ICIMOD, IAHS, UNESCO, WMO, IGBP | Ecohydrology of High Mountain Areas |
Final Workshop report* | |
1995 | Seattle USA | Univ. Oregon | 4th Gravel-bed Rivers in the Environment | Official Discussion on “Dynamic roughness, sediment transport and flow structures in a mountain stream”* | |
1994 | Canberra Australia | AIHS-IAHS | International Symposium on Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport | The significance of extreme events in the development of mountain river beds | |
| Canberra Australia | AIHS-IAHS | International Symposium on Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport | Interpreting the temporal and spatial dynamics of bedload transport phases according to the F.A.S.T. (Fluid And Sediment Transport) Model | |
| Gossen Germany | German Hydrology Working Group |
Annual Meeting | Regional Evaporation in alpine valleys: ideas and first results | |
| Peking China | GESINUS (GErman Sino Unsteady Sediment Research Group) | International Association of Sediment Research | Temporal and spatial variations of roughness in an Alpine torrent | |
| Peking China | GESINUS (GErman Sino Unsteady Sediment Research Group) | International Association of Sediment Research | Interrelations between sediment transport and hydraulic un steep mountain torrents -Squaw Creek, Montana, USA | |
| Grenoble | European Geophysical Society |
| Dynamics of bed roughness in mountain torrents | |
| Grenoble | GERTEK / EROSLOPE | Annual meeting | Temporal and spatial dynamics of roughness in mountain torrents | |
1993 | Hamilton Canada | UGI-IGU | 3. International Geomorphology Conference | Interrelationships between mountain valley form and river bed arrangement | |
| St. Moritz Switzerland | BAHC (Biosphere and Hydrological Cycle) Symposium | CHESMO (International Initiative for Integrative Research on Climate Hydrology Eco-Systems Interrelations in Mountainous Regions) | Participation in the discussion | |
1992 | Oslo Norway | AIHS-IAHS | International Symposium on Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programme in River Basins | Measuring changes in micro and macro roughness on mobile gravel beds | |
| Chengdu China | AIHS-IAHS | International Symposium on Erosion, Debris Flows and Environment in Mountain Regions | The dynamics of a catastrophic flood/multiple debris flow in the Schmiedlaine, S. Germany | |
| Benedikt-beuern Germany | COMTAG (IGU Commission on Modelling and Theory in Geomorphology) | Dynamics and Geomorphology of Mountain Rivers | Micro-profiling of mobile gravel beds during excursion in the Lainbach valley | |
| Benedikt-beuern | COMTAG | Dynamics and Geomorphology of Mountain Rivers | How round is round? - particle characterisation by Fourier transformation of contour lines (with M. Diepenbroek) | |
| Karlsruhe Germany
| ICCE | 5. International Symposium on River Sedimentation | Unsteady flow, bedload transport and bed geometry responses in steep mountain torrents* | |
1991 | Potsdam | Berlin Physical Geographers | Spring Meeting | Die geomorphologische Entwicklung de pro-glazialen Schwemmfächern auf Grönland | |
1990 | Edinburgh Scotland | 5th Scottish Postgraduate Research Meeting | Physical Geography | The dispersal of cluster bedforms and their influence on sediment entrainment | |
1990 | Florence Italy | Univ. Florence | 3rd International Gravel-bed Rivers Meeting | Official Discussion on “Microform roughness elements and the selective entrainment and entrapment of particles in gravel-bed rivers* | |
1989 | Wales | British Geomorphological Research Group | Annual Meeting | Channel change on two contrasting pro-glacial river fans, West Greenland |
2017 | (avec Alexis Metzger, Strasbourg) “Adaptation and Resilience to Droughts: Historical Perspectives in Europe and beyond”,Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. |
2014 | (avec Devendra Amatya, USDA Forest Service) “Evapotranspiration: Challenges in Measurement and Modeling from Leaf to the Landscape Scale and Beyond”, The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers / USDA Forest Service, Raleigh, Etats-Unis (160 participants). |
2013 | (avec le président, Thomas Bullen, USGS, Etats-Unis) en tant que co-présidente pour l’Europe “Catchment Sciences. Catchments Through the Looking Glass: From Microscopes to Telescopes” Gordon Research Conference : Catchment sciences, interactions between hydrology, biology and geology (Sciences des Bassins Versants. Interactions entre l’Hydrologie, la Biologie et la Géochimie). Académie de Procter, Andover, Etats-Unis (150 participants). |
2011 | Membre du comité de pilotage LISDAR (Liechtenstein congress for sustainable development and responsible investment), Univ. Liechtenstein (150 participants) |
2008 | Lancement officiel du projet européen Alp-Water-Scarce: Stratégies de gestion de l’eau contre la pénurie d’eau dans les Alpes ( Interreg Espace Alpin. (100 participants), SILA, Annecy. |
2004 | (avec Dr. Burkhardt, Bonn) International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Research and Management in Southern Morocco. IMPETUS project et ORMVAO, Ouarzazate, Maroc (100 participants). |
2002 | Hydrology during the International Year of the Mountains: from the Mountains to the floodplains, Hydrology Working Group of the Geographical Society of German Universities (GfE), Berlin, Allemagne. |
2017 | (avec Alexis Metzger, Strasbourg) “Adaptation and Resilience to Droughts: Historical Perspectives in Europe and beyond”,Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. |
2014 | (avec Christian Reinboth, FH Wernigerode et dr. Friedhart Knolle, NP Harz) The involvement of stakeholders in ski development and resource management in mountain environments, 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, International Association for Society and Natural Resources, Université de Hannovre, Allemagne. |
2014 | Evapotranspiration and Sublimation in High Mountain Environments, conférence internationale “Evapotranspiration: Challenges in Measurement and Modeling from Leaf to the Landscape Scale and Beyond”, The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers / USDA Forest Service, Raleigh, Etats-Unis. |
2014 | (avec dr. Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Univ. of Iceland) CR1.1 Open Topics in Cryospheric Research, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2013 | avec dr. Gudfinna Adalgeirsdottir, (Univ. of Iceland), CR 1. Open Topics in Cryospheric Research, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2012 | - (avec dr. Beverley Wemple, Univ. of Vermont, Etats-Unis), HS 5.9, Hydrological, ecological, geomorphic and economic implications of Mountain Resort Development. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. - (avec dr. David Vaughan, British Antarctic Survey, RU) CR1.10. Open session Cryosphere, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche |
2011 | - (avec dr. David Vaughan, BAS, RU) CR1.10. Open session Cryosphere, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche - (avec dr. Daniel Viviroli, Univ. Berne, Suisse et dr. Paula Allamano, Polytechnique Turin, Italy) HS2.12 Mountain Hydrology and Climatology: present state and future scenarios, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche |
2010 | - (avec dr. Daniel Viviroli, Berne, Suisse et dr. Wouter Buytaert, Bristol, RU) HS4.13 Mountain Hydrology and Climatology: present state and future scenarios, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche |
2009 | - ICT for Sustainable use of natural resources. EnviroInfo 2009. Environmental Informatics and Industrial Environmental Protection: Concepts, Methods and Tools. 23rd International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Allemagne. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche : - CR11.1/EOS8 Education and Communications to Students, Government Officials and to the Public in Sciences de la Cryosphère - Présentation ML4 Louis Agassiz Medal Lecture pour dr. Eric W. Wolff. - (avec prof. Marco Tedesco, New York, Etats-Unis et dr. Cynan Ellis-Evans, Cambridge, RU) Session de l’Union - US4 « The cryosphere - for how much longer? » - (avec dr. Daniel Viviroli, Berne, Suisse et dr. Wouter Buytaert, Bristol, RU) CR8.1/HS13.05 Mountain Hydrology and Climatology: present state and future scenarios. - (avec dr. Meinhard Breiling, TU Vienne, Autriche) Session CR 7.1 « Artificial Snow and Climate Change - ecological, hydrological and socio-economic assessment, » |
2008 | - l’Hydrologie en montagne au World Water Congress Meeting (Congrès des Rencontres Mondiales de l’Eau, IWRA (Association Internationale des Ressources en Eau), Montpellier. Repris à la TV par France3. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche : - Présentation ML4 Louis Agassiz Medal Lecture (audience : > 650 personnes). - (avec dr. Daniel Viviroli, Berne, Suisse) Session CR14 « Mountain Hydrology, Climatology and Glaciology ». - (avec dr. Luca Cetara, Bolzano, Italie et dr. Christian Rixen, Birmensdorf, Suisse) Session CR 11 Artificial Snow and Climate Change - physical, social and economic assessment. - (avec Marco Tedesco, New York, Etats-Unis et Cynan Ellis Evan, Cambridge, RU) Session CR1 The International Polar Year 2007 – 2008. |
2007 | - (avec prof. Martin Beniston, Genève, Suisse et dr. Mohamed Naaim, Grenoble) Session CR10 Mountain Climatology and Hydrology: present state and future scenarios. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. - (avec prof. Andreas Schumann, Bochum, Allemagne) Session CR10 Instruments for transboundary watershed management. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2006 | (avec prof. Damian Lawler, Birmingham, UK and dr. Uli Strasser, Munich, Allemagne), Session CR9 des sciences de la Cryosphère: "Mountain Climatology and Hydrology: present state and future scenarios." European Geosciences Union, Nice, France |
2005 | (avec dr. Gerhard Rappold, Berlin, Germany), HS14 Integrated Water Resources Assessment, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria. |
2005 | (avec dr. Willi Hagg, Munich, Germany). CR 5 Mountain Climatology and Hydrology: present state and future scenarios. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria. |
2004 | (avec dr. Corripio, Grenoble, France). CR 5 Mountain Waters: Hydrological and Climatic Sensitivity. European Geosciences Union, Nice. |
2003 | (avec dr. Armstrong, Boulder und prof. McDonnell, Corvallis, USA). Session "Eco-hydrological and meteorological coupling in mountain areas". European Geophysical Society, Nice. |
2002 | (avec prof. Ranzi, Brescia, Italy) Session HSA4.02 Hydrological and Earth System Sciences: "Meteorological and Hydrological Coupling in Mountain Regions" with 40 speakers. European Geophysical Society, Nice, France. With co-sponsoring by Hydrological Sciences (EGS), Oceans and Atmosphere (EGS), International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) and the International Year of the Mountains (IYM): National committees of Germany, Italy and France. |
2001 | (avec prof. Messerli, Bern, Switzerland) Session HSA5.02 Hydrology of surface processes: Water Balance of High Mountain Basins in Atmospherical and Hydrological Sciences. European Geophysical Society, Nice. |
1993 | (avec prof. Ergenzinger). Special symposium on "River Bed Geometry and Adjustment", 3rd International Geomorphology Conference, Hamilton, Canada. |
2020 | Climate Change in headwater catchments, 30 years of Headwater Control: Forest and Water in Changing Environment and Society, FAO / EFC Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds, Prague, République Tchèque |
2017 | Design and construction in snowy regions, including ski resorts. IIIe Symposium International "Physics, chemistry and Mechanics of Snow”, Institut Géologique d'Extrême-Orient de la branche Extrême Orientale de l'Académie des Scienes Russes, Ioujno-Sakhalinsk, Russie |
2017 | Sustainability strategies in snow-based tourism, The Future of Winter Tourism, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finlande |
2017 | Table Ronde, Learning from historical adaptation and resilience to droughts – where do we go from know? Adaptation and Resilience to Droughts: Historical Perspectives in Europe and beyond, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France |
2015 | Table Ronde, Tsunami, snow avalanche and flash flood energy dissipation, ENSA Lyon et Tohoku University, Japon, à Lyon. |
2014 | (avec Jun Ishimoto) Hydrodynamics and Mitigation devices, Tsunami, snow avalanche and flash flood energy dissipation, ENSA Lyon et Tohoku University, Japon, à Chamonix. |
2014 | Session 6, The involvement of stakeholders in ski development and resource management in mountain environments, 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, International Association for Society and Natural Resources, Hannover, Allemagne. |
2014 | Tables rondes I et II: Regions of the Future: new spatial concepts for our region, Green Summit, Université de Liechtenstein, Vaduz, Liechtenstein. |
2014 | Conférence internationale “Evapotranspiration: Challenges in Measurement and Modeling from Leaf to the Landscape Scale and Beyond”, The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers et USDA Forest Service, Raleigh, Etats-Unis. - Session 2, Evapotranspiration and Sublimation in High Mountain Environments, - Plenary session 1 avec 2 conférences liminaires (lignocellulosic bioenegry in a water-limited world and evapotranspiration estimation). - Wrap-up Session (Conclusions). |
2013 | (co-présidence) The Role of Climate Change in Catchment Research: Clear or Cloudy? Gordon Research Conferences, Lewiston, Etats-Unis. |
2012 | - (co-présidence) Session CR1.10 Open Topics in Cryospheric Research, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. - (co-présidence) Session HS 5.9, Hydrological, ecological, geomorphic and economic implications of Mountain Resort Development. European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2011 | (rapporteur), groupe de travail sur la forêt, conclusions dans le cadre du congrès Prediction in Ungauged Basins, AISH, Canmore, Canada. |
2011 | - (co-présidence) Session CR1.10 Open Topics in Cryospheric Research, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. - (co-présidence) Session HS2.12 Mountain hydrology: Observations, processes and models, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2010 | Groupe de travail « le sol en tant que ressource de développement renouvelable pour le développement durable des ressources naturelles » à la conférence « Liechtenstein Congress for Sustainable Development and Responsible Investing », Vaduz, Liechtenstein. |
2009 | - Session de l’Union The cryosphere - for how much longer?, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. - Session CR11.1/EOS8 Education and Communications to Students, Government Officials and to the Public in sciences de la Cryosphère, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2008 | Session CR 11 Artificial Snow and Climate Change - physical, social and economic assessment, European Geosciences Union, Vienne, Autriche. |
2008 | Changement global et développement durable dans les régions de montagne. COST, Conférence Stratégique Européenne. Présidence de la première session, Innsbruck, Autriche. |
2006 | Session CR9 des Sciences de la Cryosphère: "Mountain waters: Hydrologic and climatologic sensitivity" European Geosiences Union, Nice, France. |
2004 | Session CR5 Sciences de la Cryosphère: "Mountain waters: Hydrologic and climatologic sensitivity" European Geosiences Union, Nice, France. |
2003 | Session Plénière à la International Conference on Integrated Watershed Management: Water Resources for the Future, FAO (Organisation de l’Alimentation et de l’Agriculture), Porto Cervo, Sardaigne, Italie. |
2003 | Session CR5 des Sciences de la Cryosphère: " Eco-hydrological and meteorological coupling in mountain regions ". European Geosiences Union et Union Géophysique Américaine, Nice. |
2002 | Groupe de travail "Innovative approaches to effective watershed management with special focus on economic and social considerations" pour le Workshop Preparing the next generation of watershed management programmes de la FAO et de l’EOMF, Megève. |
2002 | Session "Hydrological Modelling" Hydrology during the International Year of the Mountains: from the Mountains to the Floodplains Groupe de travail Hydrologie, Société Géographique, Berlin, Allemagne. |
2002 | Session HSA4.02 Hydrological and Earth System Sciences: "Meteorological and hydrological coupling in mountain regions". European Geophysical Society, Nice. |
2001 | Session HSA5.02 Hydrology of surface processes: Water Balance of High Mountain Basins in Atmospherical and Hydrological Sciences. European Geophysical Society, Nice. |
1997 | Session 15 “Environmental Impacts of Sediment Movement”, Goupe de travail “Morphological Dynamics” de GESINUS (German-Sino Unsteady Sediment Transport Research Group, Groupe 14 Sino-Allemand de Recherche sur le Transport Instable de Sédiments), Institut pour l’hydraulique et les sciences de l’ingénieur, University of Wuhan, Wuhan, Chine. (fondation VW). |
1993 | Theme "Floodplains and Lake Sediments" au International Symposium on Variability in Stream Erosion and Sediment Transport IAHS, Canberra, Australie. |
Date | Lieu | Organisation | Thème de la Conférence | Titre de l’intervention |
2020 | Munich, Allemagne | Bavarian State Parliament | Landtagsentwicklung Toursimus Talks | Wintertourismus im Wandel – Welche Alternativen gibt es zu Pistenspaß auf Kunstschnee? |
2020 | Strasbourg, France | European Parliament / Atmo Grand Est | Commission à la biodiversité et aux espaces naturels | Parlement transfrontalier air climat énergie |
2018 | Tauerbergiessen, Allemagne | Upper Rhine Cluster for Sustainability Research | Le Rhin - Défis futurs pour une rivière européenne. Transfer Workshop | Le savoir local et la participation de citoyens autour du Rhin |
2017 | Bern, Suisse | CIPRA | 2. CIPRA-Forum: Winter tourism in the Alps | Discussion de l'Exposé de Position sur le Tourisme d'hiver |
2016 | Lecco, Italie | CIPRA / ERASMUS / Fondazione Cariplo | 2nd Workshop I-LivAlps “Winter Tourism in the Alps - capture the change | Changes in the Alpine Environment and Trends in Winter Tourism: Current Challenges and Solutions |
2013 | Vienna, Austria | UNEP / Italien Environnemental Ministry / Alpine Convention | Sustainable tourism and accessibility in mountains areas
| Balancing summer and winter tourism in a one-planet world |
| Munich Germany | Parliament of Bavaria | Artificial Snow in the Alps | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Impacts of artificial snow on the water balance in the Alps |
| Magde-burg, Germany | Parliament of Sachsen-Anhalt | Infrastructure development of Schierke | Audition Parlementaire: Touristic Development of Schierke, Harz Mountains, Germany |
| Braunlage Germany | Observatory St. Andreasberg | Climate Change and Winter Sports | Impacts of climate change on artificial snow on the Wurmberg & Winterberg / Harz |
| Novo-sibirsk, Russia | Regional Government of Novosibirsk | World Snow Forum | Impacts and Limits of Artificial Snow and Snow Manipulation in Mountains |
2012 | Brussels Belgium | Representation du Parliament of Baden-Württemberg | STREAM 3rd Policy Seminar "The Climate Change Challenges and Managing Flood Risks in Member States" | Intervention et Table ronde : Climate Change and Land-Use Challenges in Managing Flood Risks in Mountain Regions |
| Munich, Germany | BUND / LBV / DAV / VSdB. | Hydro-electricity – sustainable or disadvantageous? | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Regulated Rivers: Impacts of Hydro-electricity and their Resilience |
| Sankt Andreas-berg, Germany | Astronomic, environmental and citizen associations | Conference débat et enquête sur le terrain (station de ski) | Impacts of climate change and artificial snow production on the Wurmberg / Winterberg |
| Koblenz, Germany | Kisters | 25 Years of WISKI User conference 2012 | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Water-Management in Alpine Regions: Its Impact to the Society |
2011 | Trento, Italy | Regional Government of Autonomous Province of Trento | Climate Change in the Alps –strategies and good practice | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : The consequences of climate change on the Alps |
| Erzurum, Turkey | FISU | Winter Universiade Sports Science Conference | Conférence liminaire (keynote) : Sustainable economic development and environmental concerns |
2009 | Bruxelles, Belgium | SciTech Europe 2009 | Master Class et débat | Challenges of Applied Mountain Research in Europe Today |
| Bolzano, Italy | Alpine Convention | Conference débat | Towards more integrated research and observation in the Alps* |
| Munich, Germany | Bavarian Ministry of Environment | Towards climate neutral Alps by 2050 | CO2 neutral land use and food production in the Alps |
| Harbin, China | FISU | Winter Universiade Sports Science Conference | Conférence liminaire (keynote) Ecological environmental change and winter sports: lessons learned from the Alps, perspectives for China |
Date | Lieu | Organisation | Thème de la Conférence | Titre de l’intervention |
2021 | Strasbourg | "AQUAème", ENGEES | A l'eau la terre | Les défis géopolitiques associés à l'eau potable dans les pays semi-arides |
2019 | Grésivaudan | Lycée Grésivaudan | Semaine de la Citoyenneté | Ville et Déveoppement Durable, la vision d'une géographe |
2018 | Strasbourg | Philomatique | Seminar | Les défis des crues et sécheressess face aux impacts des changements anthropiques et climatiques |
2018 | Wattwiller | Fondation François Schneider | Seminar | L'eau, un bien rare |
2018 | Haguenau | Lycée Schumann | Seminar | La vulnérabilité des ressources en eau |
2015 | Grenoble | Antigone | Conférence débat | La neige artificielle – un modèle dépassé ? |
2014 | La Ravoire | Frapna | Conférence débat | La neige artificielle et l’aménagement en montagne: enjeux, impacts et mitigation |
| Paris | Univ. Paris-Est Créteil / École des Ponts, ParisTech / Univ. Paris Diderot/ CG Val de Marne | (Im)possible transition écologique? Journées scientifique de l‘environnement | Les stations de montagne : entre dérives et transition écologique |
2013 | Challes les Eaux | Challes Terres Citoyennes | Conférence débat | La montagne – elle y gagne ? |
| Lyon | Frapna | Journées mondiales des zones humides | Les zones humides victimes es retenues collinaires implantées pour réanimer la neige artificielle ? |
| Cluses | Frapna | L’eau: agir aujourd’hui pour une gestion responsable en montagne | Impacts directs des retenues collinaires sur l’environnement |
2012 | Ivry–sur-Seine, Paris | CG Val de Marne | La coordination de l’eau Ile de France | L’industrie de la neige et l’eau dans un contexte de changement global et discussion sur un documentaire « L’eau blanche » avec des chercheurs et des élus |
| St. Pierre d’Entremont | Mairie St. Pierre d’Entremont | L’eau dans les Entremonts | Les impacts du changement global sur l’eau en montagne karstique |
2012- 15 | St. Pierre d’Entremont | Mairie St. Pierre d’Entremont | Réunions sur la gestion de l’eau | La géologie et les impacts du changement climatique sur l’eau en montagne karstique |
2011 | Curienne | Mairie | Conférence débat | La sécheresse en Savoie 2011 |
| Talloires | Frapna | Gestion quantitative de l’eau et préservation des milieux aquatiques et des espèces associés » | La sécurité de l’eau face au changement climatique |
| Faverges | Association Environmentale des pays de Faverges | L’eau | L’eau dans les Alpes. Quantité et qualité réellement disponible |
| Alby-sur-Héry | Association Cylcmen | conférence débat | Du changement climatique à l’enneigement artificiel |
| St. Jorioz | St. Jorioz Environnement | conférence débat | Du réchauffement climatique à l’enneigement et quoi d’après ? |
| Cluses | Université populaire | conférence débat | L’eau en montagne |
| Sallanches | Centre Nature Montagnard | 4ème Rencontre Alpine | La production artificielle de la neige |
| Annecy | CAO | conférence débat | Le changement climatique, les ressource en eau et la candidature pour les Jeux Olympiques Annecy 2018 |
2010 | Villarodin-Bourget | Mairie de Villarodin-Bourget | conférence débat | Les impacts environnementales du tunnel international Lyon-Turin |
| Faverges | Pays de Faverges Environnement | conférence débat | L’eau dans tous ses états au coeur des dispositifs inter- régionaux |
| Mieussy | Collectif Sommand | conférence débat | Les zones humides et le développement du ski |
2009 | Ripaille |
| conférence débat | Impacts du changement climatique en montagne |
| Sallanches | Europe Ecologie de la vallée 74. | conférence débat | Impacts du réchauffement global en montagne |
2008 | Savoie-Technolac | Fête de la Science | Élèves de CM1/2 des écoles de Maurienne | La coopération européenne dans les Alpes |
| Montmélian | CIM | participation | Création du Cluster Rhône-Alpes des Industries de la Montagne (CIM) |