Chardon V., Skupinski G., Schmitt L. (2025). Assessing the impacts of regulation works on an Upper Rhine reach for developing a process-based restoration framework, Geomorphology,,
Grimmer G., Wenger R., Chardon V. (2025).A Tool for Automatic Classification and Quantification of River Wood in River Systems Using Aerial Imagery, SoftwareX, 29, 102042,
Jautzy T., Frey P., Chardon V., Wenger R., Rixhon G., Schmitt L., Herrault P-A. (2024). PickShift: A user-friendly Python tool to assess the surficial uncertainties associated with polygons extracted from historical planimetric data, Software X, 27, 101866,
Euzen C., Chabaux F., Rixhon G., Preusser F., Eyrolle F., Chardon V., Zander A-M., Badariotti D., Schmitt L. (2024). Multi-method geochronological approach to reconstruct post-1800 floodplain sedimentation in the Upper Rhine Plain, France,Quaternary Geochronology, 101561, ISSN 1871-1014,
Chardon V., Herrault P.-A., Staentzel C., Skupinski G., Finance O., Wantzen K.-M., Schmitt L. (2022). Using transition matrices to assess the spatio-temporal land cover and ecotone changes in fluvial landscapes from historical planimetric data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47 (11), 2647– 2659.
Chardon V., Schmitt L., & Clutier A. (2022). Bank re-erosion action to promote sediment supply and channel diversification: Feedback from a restoration test on the Rhine. River Research and Applications, 38( 5), 975– 987.
Chardon V., Piasny G., & Schmitt L. (2022). Comparison of software accuracy to estimate the bed grain size distribution from digital images: A test performed along the Rhine River. River Research and Applications, 38( 2), 358– 367.
Chardon V.,Poterek Q., Staentzel C. (2021). Biases in morphological landscape features: challenges for environmental purposes in GIScience and related fields, Cybergeo : European Journal of Geography , Cartographie, Imagerie, SIG, document 979.
Chardon V., Schmitt L., Arnaud F., Piégay H., Clutier A. (2021). Efficiency and sustainability of gravel augmentation to restore large regulated rivers: insights from three experiments on the Rhine River (France/Germany). Geomorphology, Vol. 380, 107639.
Jautzy T., Herrault P.-A., Chardon, V., Schmitt L., and Rixhon G. (2020). Measuring river planform changes from remotely sensed data – a Monte Carlo approach to assessing the impact of spatially variable error, Earth Surf. Dynam., 8, 471–484,, 2020.
Chardon V., Schmitt L., Piégay H., Lague D. (2020). Use of terrestrial photo-sieving and airborne topographic LiDAR to assess bed grain size in large rivers: potentials and limits. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol.45, Issue 10, 2314-2330.
Chardon V., Schmitt L., Piégay H., Staentzel C., Beisel J-N., Barillier A., Clutier A. (2020). Effects of transverse groynes on meso-habitat suitability for native fish species on a regulated by-passed large river. Water 2020, 12(4), 987.
Vittori C., Chardon V., Chapkanski S., Carbonel P., Goiran J-P., Pfister L., Schmitt L. (2019). Automatic detection of the Cyprideis torosa (JONES 1856) sieve pores from Backscattered Electron Scanning Electron Microscopy images and development of morphometric tools for their shape identification. Marine Micropaleontology 153, 101782.
Staentzel, C., Arnaud F., Combroux I., Schmitt L., Trémolières M., Grac C., Piégay H., Barillier A., Chardon V., Beisel J.-N. (2018a). “How Do Instream Flow Increase and Gravel Augmentation Impact Biological Communities in Large Rivers: A Case Study on the Upper Rhine River.” River Research and Applications, 1–12, 2018.
Staentzel C., Combroux I., Barillier A., Schmitt L., Chardon V., Garnier A., and Beisel J.-N. (2018b). “Réponses Des Communautés Biologiques à Des Actions de Restauration de Grands Fleuves”, La Houille Blanche, 2, 99-106.
Corbonnois J., Bonnefond M., Chardon V., Rodrigues S., Jugé P., Cali J., Verdun J., Simonetto E., Tchekpo W., Labergerie E., Faucheux G. (2016). "Détermination des conditions de la dynamique fluviale d’une rivière aménagée de basse énergie, à partir de secteurs du Loir (Bassin de la Loire aval)", Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 4, 345-361, 2016.