Chardon V, Schmitt L, Piégay H, Beisel JN, Staentzel C, Barillier A & Clutier A, 2020. Effects of Transverse Groynes on Meso-Habitat Suitability for Native Fish Species on a Regulated By-Passed Large River: A Case Study along the Rhine River. Water, 12(4), 987.
Meyer, A., Boyer, F., Valentini, A., Bonin, A., Ficetola, G.F., Beisel, J.N., Bouquerel, J., Wagner, P., Gaboriaud, C., Leese, F., Dejean, T., Taberlet, P., Usseglio‐Polatera, P., 2020. Morphological vs. DNA metabarcoding approaches for the evaluation of stream ecological status with benthic invertebrates: Testing different combinations of markers and strategies of data filtering. Mol. Ecol. in press.
Staentzel C, Rouifeld S, Beisel JN, Hardion L, Poulin N & Combroux I, 2020. Ecological implications of the replacement of native plant species in riparian systems: unexpected effects of Reynoutria japonica Houtt. leaf litter. Biological Invasions, 1-14.
Staentzel C, Kondolf GM, Schmitt L, Combroux I, Barillier A & Beisel JN, 2020. Restoring fluvial forms and processes by gravel augmentation or bank erosion below dams: A systematic review of ecological responses. Science of The Total Environment, 706, 135743.
Bois P, Beisel JN, Heitz C, Katinka L, Laurent J, Pierrette M, ... & Wanko A, 2019. Integrated Blue and Green Corridor Restoration in Strasbourg: Green Toads, Citizens, and Long-Term Issues. In Ecological Wisdom Inspired Restoration Engineering (pp. 151-169). Springer, Singapore.
Pfister L, Grave C, Beisel JN & McDonnell JJ, 2019. A global assessment of freshwater mollusk shell oxygen isotope signatures and their relation to precipitation and stream water. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-6.
Sanchez-Thirion K, Danger M, Bec A, Billoir E, Labaude S, Rigaud T, Beisel JN & Felten V, 2019. High food quality increases infection of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea: Amphipoda) by the acanthocephalan parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis. International journal for parasitology, 49(10), 805-817.
Staentzel C, Combroux I, Barillier A, Grac C, Chanez E & Beisel JN, 2019. Effects of a river restoration project along the Old Rhine River (France-Germany): Response of macroinvertebrate communities. Ecological Engineering, 127, 114-124.
David GM, Staentzel C, Schlumberger O, Perrot-Minnot MJ, Beisel JN & Hardion L, 2018. A minimalist macroparasite diversity in the round goby of the Upper Rhine reduced to an exotic acanthocephalan lineage. Parasitology 145(8), 1020-1026.
Masson L, Masson G, Beisel JN, Gutowsky LFG & Fox MG, 2018. Consistent life history shifts along invasion routes? An examination of round goby populations invading on two continents. Diversity and Distributions, 24(6), 841-852.
Pfister L, Thielen F, Deloule E, Valle N, Lentzen E, Grave C, Beisel JN & McDonnell JJ, 2018. Freshwater pearl mussels as a stream water stable isotope recorder. Ecohydrology, e2007.
Staentzel C, Beisel JN, Gallet S, Hardion L, Barillier A & Combroux I, 2018. A multiscale assessment protocol to quantify effects of restoration works on alluvial vegetation communities. Ecological Indicators, 90, 643-652.
Staentzel C, Arnaud F, Combroux I, Schmitt L, Trémolières M, Grac C, Piégay H., Barillier A., Chardon V. & Beisel JN, 2018. How do instream flow increase and gravel augmentation impact biological communities in large rivers: A case study on the Upper Rhine River. River Research and Applications, 34(2), 153-164.
Beisel JN, Peltre MC, Kaldonski N, Hermann A, Muller S, 2017. Spatiotemporal trends for exotic species in French freshwater ecosystems: where are we now? Hydrobiologia 785: 293–305.
Elbrecht V, Taberlet P, Dejean T, Valentini A, Usseglio-Polatera P, Beisel JN, Coissac E, Boyer F, Leese, F., 2016. Testing the potential of a ribosomal 16S marker for DNA metabarcoding of insects. PeerJ 4, e1966.
Lamand F, Roche K, Beisel JN, 2016. Glochidial infestation by the endangered mollusc Unio crassus in rivers of north‐eastern France: Phoxinus phoxinus and Cottus gobio as primary fish hosts. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 445–455.
Marescaux J, Latli A, Lorquet J, Virgo J, Van Doninck K, Beisel JN, 2016. Benthic macro-invertebrate fauna associated with Dreissena mussels in the Meuse River: from incapacitating relationships to facilitation. Aquatic Ecology 50(1), 15-28.
Marescaux J, Falisse E, Lorquet J, Van Doninck K, Beisel JN. Descy JP, 2016. Assessing filtration rates of exotic bivalves: dependence on algae concentration and seasonal factors. Hydrobiologia 777: 67–78
Bois P., Beisel J.N., Heitz C., Katinka L., Laurent J., Pierrette M., Walaszek M., Wanko A. Integrated Blue and Green Corridor Restoration in Strasbourg : Green Toads, Citizens, and Long-Term Issues. In V. Achal and A. Mukherjee (eds.), Ecological Wisdom Inspired Restoration (2019) 151-169. Springer, Singapore.
Schmitt, L., Beisel, J. N., Preusser, F., de Jong, C., Wantzen, K. M., Chardon, V., ... & Ferréol, S. (2019). Sustainable Management of the Upper Rhine River and Its Alluvial Plain: Lessons from Interdisciplinary Research in France and Germany. Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.
Teletchea F & Beisel JN, 2018. Alien Fish Species in France with Emphasis on the Recent Invasion of Gobies, Biological Resources of Water Sajal Ray, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.73408.
Staentzel C, Combroux I, Barillier A, Schmitt L, Chardon V, Garnier A & Beisel JN, 2018. Réponses des communautés biologiques à des actions de restauration de grands fleuves (Vieux Rhin, France). La Houille Blanche, (2), 99-106