Maître de conférences

Laboratoire image ville environnement
Faculté de géographie et d'aménagement
3 rue de l'Argonne
67000 Strasbourg

Bureau 302

   +33 3 88 24 82 69

ENGEES - Ecole nationale du génie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg
1, cour des Cigarières - CS 61039
67000 Strasbourg

Bureau 326

    +33 3 88 24 82 69

ORCID iD : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7602-7830
ResearchGate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Aude-Zingraff-Hamed
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/aude-zingraff-hamed-b020161b1/

Activités de recherche et expertises

En cohérence avec les collègues de l’axe « hydrosystèmes » du laboratoire, je développe des recherches multidisciplinaires sur trois thèmes :

1. la restauration socio-écologiques des hydrosystèmes dans le contexte de la perte de la biodiversité,

2. les solutions fondées sur la nature pour faire face aux risques hydrométéorologiques,

3. l’adaptation aux changements climatiques par la réalisation de solution bleues et vertes,

4. la gouvernance collaborative environnementale pour le co-design de solutions de gestion et d’aménagement des hydrosystèmes.

Mes recherches s’appliquent à un territoire varié, soit l’ensemble des hydrosystèmes, incluant les mare, lacs, zones humides, rivières et fleuves de toutes tailles, les embouchures et les lagunes côtières.


Mots clés : restauration socio-écologique, changement global, biodiversité, adaptation et mitigation des risques globaux, écologie des paysages, hydro-écologie, aménagement du territoire, urbanisme, services écosystémiques, gouvernance, plan de gestion intégré


  • TETRA (2023-2026) Développement d’une méthodologie et outillage pour projets à base d'IA pour la gestion de l'eau.

  • H2020 Project CONEXUS (2019-2024). www.conexusnbs.com; Encadrement de PhDs, participation à l’écriture de délivrable.

  • Hans-Böckler-Stiftung project « NBS for Kumasi » (2021-2024) Encadrement de PhD.

  • BMBF Suivi ichtyo-écologique d'installations hydroélectriques conventionnelles, modernisées et innovantes (2014-2022).

  • H2020 Project PHUSICOS (2018-2023) www.phusicos.eu; Coordination d’un site pilote avec Living Lab et réalisation de NBS, Responsable thématique « blue NBS ».

  • INTERREG Project Danube Floodplain (2018 -2020) Encadrement de PhDs, participation à l’écriture de délivrable.

  • BMBF Project Green city of the future Quality control

Expérience professionnelle

  • Depuis septembre 2023 : Maître de conférence à l’ENGEES et chercheuse rattachée au LIVE dans le groupe « Hydrosystèmes ».

  • Depuis 2012 : Membre associé du groupe de recherche CNRS CItés, TERritoires, Environnement, Sociétés hébergé à l'Université de Tours, France.

  • 2018-2023 : Enseignante-Chercheuse contractuelle à la Chaire d’aménagement territorial stratégique, Université technologique de Munich, Allemagne.

  • 2018-2023 : Vacataire à la Faculté de géographie et à la Faculté des sciences naturelles, Université d'Angers, France.

  • 2020 : Directeur de thèse invité à l'Institut d’urbanisme de l'Université technique de Berlin, Allemagne.

  • 2021 : Chercheur invité au River-Lab de l'Université de Californie au département « planification environnementale », Berkeley, États-Unis.

  • 2018-2020 : Direction d’un groupe de jeunes rechercheurs/ses «  SmartNBS ».

  • 2018-2019 : Direction d’un groupe de jeunes rechercheurs/ses « WFD Bottlenecks ».

  • 2012-2018 : Doctorante à l'Université de Tours, France.

  • 2010-2011 : Ingénieur de recherche à AgroCampus Ouest, France.

Enseignements et encadrements

  • Enseignement réalisé à l’ENGEES et UNISTRA depuis 2023

  • M2 Hydrosystèmes fluviaux

  • M2 Restaure

  • EcoEngineering

  • Trame verte trame bleue

  • Gestion de l’eau en Agronomie

  • Hydro-morphologie

  • Projets tutoré

  • Projet rivière

  • Gestion des milieux


Enseignements réalisés à l’Université technologique de Munich entre 2018 et 2023


Cursus universitaire

  • 05.04.2019 Doctorat en Aménagement du Territoire (Paysage) – délivré par l’université de Tours, France

  • 15.05.2018 Doctorat en sciences naturelles avec mention magna cum laude -  délivré par l’Université technologique de Munich, Allemagne

  • 25.11.2011 Master en Ingénierie territoriale délivré par l’AgroCampusOuest, Angers, France

  • 15.11.2011 Diplôme d’ingénieur en paysage délivré par Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, Allemagne

  • 22.10.2011 Master recherche en éco-ingénierie des zones humides, délivré par l’Université d’Angers

  • 07.07.2008 Bachillerato, delivré par l’Escuela Pia, Barcelone, Espagne

  • 01.07.2005 Baccalauréat spécialité biologie

Articles et communications scientifiques


Perosa F., Ziegler F., Zingraff-Hamed A., and Disse M. (2023, under review) Extended cost-benefit analysis of past and present floodplains in the Bavarian Danube – Can we trust ecosystem services for decision-making? Land Use Policy

Enu K.B., Zingraff-Hamed A., Appiah D.O., and Pauleit S. (2023, under review) Narrowing down on the drivers of flood risk in sub-Saharan African cities: Insights from Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area, Ghana

Zingraff-Hamed A. and Biburger N. (2023 under minor revision) Recreational use assessment: which methods are the best? Landscape online

Dubo T., Paloma I., Zingraff-Hamed A., Bruley E., Collain G., Lavorel S. (2023) Levers for transformative nature-based adaptation initiatives in the Alps , PLOS Climate, https://doi.org/10.31223/X5GT01

Enu K.B., Zingraff-Hamed A., Rahman M. A., Stringer L. C., and Pauleit S. (2023) Potential of Nature-Based Solutions to Mitigate Hydro-Meteorological Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 23, 481–505, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-23-481-2023.

Zingraff-Hamed A. (2022) Human and River: Which governance of the river restoration? Sciences, Eaux & Territoires, art 39, https://doi.org/10.20870/Revue-SET.2022.39.7248

Zingraff-Hamed A., Serra-Llobet A., and Kondolf M. (2022) Social, economic, and ecological functions of urban river parks – the drivers of planning and management, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, https://doi.org/10.3389/frsc.2022.907044

Perosa F., Seitz L.F., Zingraff-Hamed A., and Disse M. (2022) Flood Risk Management along German Rivers – A Review of Multi-Criteria-Analysis Methods and Decision-Support Systems, Environmental Science and Policy, 135, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2022.05.004

Serra-Llobet A., Jähnig S., Geist J., Kondolf M., Damm C., Scholz M., Lund J., Opperman J., Yarnell S., Pawley A., Shader E., Cain J., Zingraff-Hamed A., Grantham T., Eisenstein B., and Schmitt R. (2022) Restoring Rivers and Floodplains for Habitat and Flood Risk Reduction: Experiences in Multi-Benefit Floodplain Management from California and Germany, Frontiers in Environmental Science, https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.778568

Zingraff-Hamed A., George F. N., Lupp G., and Pauleit S. (2022) Effects of recreational uses on restored urban floodplain vegetation in urban areas, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 67, art. 127444, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127444

Francesco Pugliese F., Caroppi G., Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., Gerundo C. (2022) Assessment of NBSs effectiveness for flood risk management: the Isar River case Study, AQUA – Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 71 (1): 42–61, https://doi.org/10.2166/aqua.2021.101

Lupp G., Huang J., Zingraff-Hamed A., Oen A., Del Sepia N., Martinelli A., Lucchesi M., Wulff-Kuntsen T., Olson M., Fjøsne T. F., Balaguer E.-M., Arauzo I., Solheim A., Kalsnes B. and Pauleit S. (2021) Stakeholder Perceptions of Nature-Based Solutions and Their Collaborative Co-Design and Implementation Processes in Rural Mountain Areas—A Case Study From PHUSICOS Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 678446, https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.678446

Kondolf M., Descombes G., and Zingraff-Hamed A. (2021) Restoring dynamic fluvial processes in urban rivers, Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 9(4): 10-27, https://doi.org/10.15302/J-LAF-1-020051

Conitz F., Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G. and Pauleit S. (2021) Non-structural flood management in European rural mountain areas – Are scientists supporting implementation? Hydrology 2021, 8, 167. https://doi.org/10.3390/hydrology8040167

Lupp G. and Zingraff-Hamed A. (2021) Nature-Based Solutions—Concept, Evaluation, and Governance, Sustainability, art. 3012. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13063012

Zingraff-Hamed A., Bonnefond M., Bonthoux S., Cao Y., Greulich S., Legay N., Palombo N., Robert A., Rotgé V., Serrhini K., Servain S. and Wantzen K.M. (2021) Human-River-encounter sites in cities: the case of the urban river restoration, Sustainability, 13, 2864, https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052864

Perosa F., Fanger S., Zingraff-Hamed A., and Disse M. (2021) A Meta-Analysis of the Value of Ecosystem Services of Floodplains for the Danube River Basin, Science of The Total Environment, 777, 146062, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146062

Perosa F., Gelhaus M., Zwirglmaier V., Arias-Rodriguez L., Zingraff-Hamed A., Cyffka B., and Disse M. (2021) Integrated Valuation of the Co-Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Risk with TESSA: An Example of Floodplain Restoration Measures at the Local Scale, Sustainability, 13(3), 1482, https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031482

Lupp G., Zingraff-Hamed A., Huang J., Oen A., and Pauleit S. (2021) Living Labs – A concept for co-designing Nature Based Solutions, Sustainability, 13(3), 1482; https://doi.org/10.3390/su13010188

Zingraff-Hamed A., Hüesker F., Albert C., Brillinger M., Huang J., Lupp G., Scheuer S., Schlätel M., and Schröter B. (2020) Governance Models for Nature-based Solutions: cases from Germany, Ambio https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-020-01412-x

Schröter B., Zingraff- Hamed A., Ott E., Huang J., Hüesker F., Nicolas C., and Schröder N. J. S. (2020) The knowledge transfer potential of online data pools on nature-based solutions, Science of The Total Environment, art. 143074, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143074

Zingraff-Hamed A., Hüesker F., Lupp G., Begg C., Huang J., Oen, A., Vojinovic Z., Kuhlicke C., and Pauleit S. (2020) Stakeholder Mapping to Co-Create Nature-Based Solutions: Who Is on Board? Sustainability 12, 8625, https://doi.org/10.3390/su12208625

Zingraff-Hamed A., Schröter B., Schaub S., Lepenies R., Stein U., Hüesker F., Linton J., Meyer C., Nicolas C., Schleyer C., Schmeier S., Schröder N., Watson N., and Pusch M. (2020) Perception of Bottlenecks in the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, Water alternatives 13(3): 458-483

Pugliese F., Caroppi G., Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., and Giugni M. (2020) Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) application for hydro-environment enhancement. The case study of the Isar River (DE), Environ. Sci. Proc. 2(1), 30; https://doi.org/10.3390/environsciproc2020002030

Wantzen M. K.l, Alves C. B. M., Badiane S. D., Bala R., Blettler M., Callisto M., Cao Y., Kolb M., Kondolf G. M., Leite M. F., Macedo D. R., Mahdi O., Neves M., Peralta M. E., Rotgé V., Rueda-Delgado G., Scharager A., Serra-Llobet A., Yengué J.-L., and Zingraff-Hamed A. (2019) Urban Stream and Wetland Restoration in the Global South—A DPSIR Analysis. Sustainability 2019, 11(18), 4975; https://doi.org/10.3390/su11184975

Zingraff-Hamed A., Martin J., Lupp, G., Linnerooth-Bayer J., and Pauleit S. (2019) Designing a Resilient Waterscape Using A Living Lab and Catalyzing Polycentric Governance, Landscape Architecture Frontiers 7(3), 10.15302/J-LAF-1-020003.

Zingraff-Hamed A., Noack M., Greulich S., Schwarzwälder K., Pauleit S., and Wantzen K.M. (2018) Model-Based Evaluation of the Effects of River Discharge Modulations on Physical Fish Habitat Quality. Water 10(4), 374; https://doi.org/10.3390/w10040374

Zingraff-Hamed A., Noack M., Greulich S., Schwarzwälder K., Wantzen K.M., and Pauleit S. (2018) Model-Based Evaluation of Urban River Restoration: Conflicts between Sensitive Fish Species and Recreational Users. Sustainability, 10(6), 1747; https://doi.org/10.3390/su10061747

Zingraff-Hamed A., Greulich S., Pauleit S., and Wantzen K. M. (2017) Urban and rural river restoration in France: a typology, Restoration Ecology, 25(6): 994-1004, https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.12526

Zingraff-Hamed A., Sabine Greulich S., Wantzen K.M., Pauleit S. (2017) Societal Drivers of European Water Governance: a Comparison of Urban River Restoration Practices in France and Germany, Water (9) 206; https://doi.org/10.3390/w9030206


Wantzen K.M., Bala R., Cao Y., Vazhayil A. M., Tan C. Zingraff-Hamed A (2022) The Southern urban hydrosystem (SUHS): New case studies from China, India and DR Congo, Proceeding paper for Water, Megacities and Global Change

Zingraff-Hamed A., Greulich S., Egger G., Pauleit S. & Wantzen K.M. (2017): Urban river restoration, evaluation and conflicts between ecological and social quality. In Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (Hrsg.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der Jahrestagung in Wien 2016; Hubert & Co., Göttingen, ISBN 978-3-9818302-0-1


Zingraff-Hamed, A. and Enu K. B. (2023 in press) Wetlands. In Annelies de Niels (Eds) Nature-based solutions: a Handbook, EU, Brussel

Zingraff-Hamed, A. and Enu K. B. (2023 in press) River Restoration as NBS: the case of the Isar. In Annelies de Niels (Eds) Nature-based solutions: a Handbook, EU, Brussel

Zingraff-Hamed, A.; Lupp, G.; Bäumler, K.; Huang, J.; Pauleit, S. (2023): The Isar River: Social Pride as a Driver of River Restoration. In: Wantzen, K.M. (ed.): River Culture – Life as a Dance to the Rhythm of the Waters. Pp. 611–636. UNESCO Publishing, Paris. DOI: 10.54677/YXWJ9055

Zingraff-Hamed A. and Egger G. (2019) Isar, In Alpine Rivers, Muhar, S., Muhar, A., Siegrist, D., Egger, G. (eds), Haupt, serie “Vielfalt in Natur und Kultur”, 480 p, ISBN: 978-3-258-08114-4

Zingraff-Hamed, A. (2019) Arve, In Alpine Rivers, Muhar, S., Muhar, A., Siegrist, D., Egger, G. (eds), Haupt, serie “Vielfalt in Natur und Kultur”, 480 p, ISBN: 978-3-258-08114-4



Zingraff-Hamed A. and Hugon F. (2022) Faire le choix de solutions fondées sur la nature pour l’adaptation au changement climatique et la gestion des risques natures, ADCF Interco, 271

Fohlmeister S., Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., Fohlmeister S., Pauleit S. (2018) D3.1 Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment at Concept and Demonstrator Case Study Sites, Research report, EC, 100 pages

Zingraff-Hamed A., Egger G., Greulich S. (2014) Wiederansiedlung der Deutschen Tamariske im Stadtgebiet München, City of Munich (Germany), 13 pages

Zingraff-Hamed A., Popp A. (2011) Stadtmitte am Fluss: unvollständige Nachhaltigkeit, Landschaft und Garten, December 2011, pp 46-47


Zingraff-Hamed A., Schröter B., Schaub S., Lepenies R., Stein U., Hüesker F., Schleyer C., Schmeier S., Schröder N., Watson N., and Pusch M. (2020) Solutions against Bottlenecks for the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive


Zingraff-Hamed A. and Rolf W. (2023) Green Infrastructure in Paris: the green belt, Nodium#15

Zingraff-Hamed A. (2022) Wild Wide West, Nodium#14

Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., Van Lierop M. (2020) Digitale Lehrformate - Die PHUSICOS Summer-School zu naturbasierten Lösungen, Nodium#12



Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited] (2023) Blue NBS, they might save us but we don’t want them at the Journées du GIS Histoire et Sciences de la Mer, Nantes, 8-10 Novembre 2023

Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited Keynote] (2023) Blue NBS Performances -  can we believe it? at the KIT Science Week, Karlsruhe, 11-13 October 2023

Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited] (2023) Green infrastructures to increase societal resilience: the case of biological hazards at IALE World conference, Nairobi, 10-15 July 2023

Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited Session] (2022) Blue nature-based solutions, at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, Constance, 19-23 September 2022

Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited] (2022) Ensemble pour l’Isar : exemple d’une Solution fondée sur la Nature résultant d’une planification collaborative at the ARTISAN Forum, Atelier #10 - Accompagner les collectivités territoriales dans la mise en œuvre de SafN, Lille, 15 march 2022

Zingraff-Hamed A., [invited] (2021) River Restoration to mitigate Flood Risks at Danube Floodplain Panel discussion on Flood risk management and Nature-based Solutions, Munich, 7 October 2021

Zingraff-Hamed A., Gerwien V., Lupp G., Pugliese F., and Pauleit S. [invited] (2021) Stakeholder Assessment of nature-based solution’s effectiveness: which (co)benefit is the most important? At IDES, Ingolstadt, 16-17 September 2021

Gerwien V., Zingraff-Hamed A., Caroppi G., Pugliese F., Lupp G., Giugni M., Nadim F., and Oen A. [invited] (2021) Assessing Multiple Benefits of NBS in DRR Co-Creation Processes in PHUSICOS, IUCN World Congress, Marseille, 5 September 2021

Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G. and Pauleit S. [invited] (2021) Socio-ecological urban river restoration to mitigate flood risk, improve recreational potential and provide suitable habitats: lessons learned from Munich, Germany at Third World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology 7-9 July 2021

Zingraff-Hamed, A. [invited] (2021) Restoring ecological processes in an urban river: the Isar in Munich, Spain at The Berkeley urban river symposium, Berkeley, US, 12 May 2021

Zingraff-Hamed, A., Lupp G., Schedler J., Huang J., Pauleit S. (2021) 156 Nature-based solutions in the German Alps to mitigate hydro-meteorological risks at vEGU21, 19–30 April

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2020) Keynote speech: Nature based-solution at the Isar river at Danube Floodplain International Stakeholder Meeting, online, 15-16 October 2020

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2020) River management : How to meet multiple goals? at Africa River UNESCO Meeting in Saint-Louis, Senegal, 17-21 February 2020

Zingraff-Hamed A., Martin J., Lupp G., Linnerooth-Bayer J., Pauleit S. (2019) Sustainable waterscape driven by Living Lab and polycentric governance, at EICTUS (European International Conference on Transforming Urban Systems) in Strasbourg, France, 26-28 June 2019

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2019), Governance of European Urban Water Protection, at Rethinking the governance of European water protection, in Leipzig, Germany, 8-9 January 2019

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2018), Futuristic Urban River Restoration: the Socio-Ecological Approach, at UNESCO Great River Forum, Wuhan, China, 28-30 October 2018

Zingraff-Hamed A. (2015) Urban river restoration evaluation - a hybrid between ecological and social monitoring, presented at AAG 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago (USA), May 2015

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2014) Urban River Restoration – between Ecology and Society, presented at InterZA 2014 - la journée Rivières urbaines, Paris (France), July 2014

Zingraff-Hamed A. [invited] (2014) River restoration in France and in Germany, presented at Chinon River Sciences 2014 – an international workshop on “River Restauration: towards an agenda for research, action, and teaching”, Chinon (France), May 2014

Zingraff-Hamed A. (2014) Urban Flussrenaturierung – Naturschutz und Naherholung, presented at EcoMeetIng 2014, Innsbruck (Austria), Februar 2014


Zingraff-Hamed, A. and Lupp, G. (2020) River Restoration to mitigate flood risks at Nature-based Solutions in a Changing Climate, Oxford, UK, 7-9 July 2020

Zingraff-Hamed, A., Martin, J., Lupp, G., Linnerooth-Bayer, J., Pauleit, S. (2019) The Isar-Plan: Design of a socio-ecologically resilient, waterscape through polycentrism and living labs, Poster delivered and presented at IALE World, 1-5 July 2019, Milano, Italia

Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G. (2019) Concept Case Isar: Look and Learn Visit, Poster delivered and presented at PHUSICOS Consortium Meeting, 9-10 May 2019, Vienna, Austria

Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., Fohlmeister S., Pauleit S. (2018) Living Lab Approach to co-design Nature-Based Solutions, Poster delivered and presented at IALE-D 2018, 5-8 September 2018, Hannover, Germany

Zingraff-Hamed A., Lupp G., Fohlmeister S., Pauleit S. (2018) Isar River, Poster delivered and presented at PHUSICOS Kick-Off Meeting 12-13 June 2018, Oslo (Norway)

Zingraff-Hamed A., De Gracia M., Aberbache K., Harrache I., Seba A. (2011) Local distribution of Patella vulgate in the tidal zone in île d’Yeu: influence of exogenous factors, Poster delivered to LEBIM Marin Station



Zingraff-Hamed, A., Lupp, G. (2019) The Isar Restoration in Munich – A participatory climate change adaptation measure, MAB productions, Benjamin Wiessner, 14 minutes www.youtube.com/watch

Jenny von Sperber (2022) ARTE 42 – Können wir ein monetäre Wert an die Nature geben? Interview with Prof Hansjörg, Prof. Wantzen and Dr. Zingraff-Hamed


Aude Zingraff-Hamed (stage manager) (2022) According to Nature – a Podcast about nature-based solutions, open.spotify.com/show/4IzNyYW6PhlOF7RAfaCm7M, design, supervision: Aude Zingraff-Hamed and Gerd Lupp; moderation: Joshua Huang and Marcelian Grace. 10 episodes


Since 2023: Editorial Board Member of Landscape Online www.landscape-online.org/index.php/lo/editorial - citation score 2.9

Since 2020: Member of Topical Advisory Panel of the Journal Sustainability – Impact Factor 3,251

2020: Special Issue in Sustainability Nature-Based Solutions—Concept, Evaluation, and Governance